Gail_von _Kleinenstein

"Get Her Back Bouquet?" Whaaaaat?

I stand all day at work. Does this mean that I'll live forever? Or will it have the reverse effect, and I'll die young?

Wait, the bunny only speaks French. Or your fiance only speaks french?

Thank you for posting this. I saw 4 rabbits today on my walk home and was thinking about how innocent and cute they are. This guy is a real asshat.

I'm a vegetarian and I laughed.

I'm pretty sure my friend and I did something similar to this. Only it was our beanie babies and we were 6.

A very embarrassed teacher would.

This isn't really work related, but in Culinary school my friend and I changed the lyrics of Iron Butterfly's-In a gadda da vida to be about foodborne illnesses. We totally kicked our final exams ass!

That terrifies me. I wasn't the brightest when I was 13-14, i made some pretty bad choices. I'm thankful everyday that things like cell phones and snap chat weren't around when I was that age.

I'm reluctant to shop in those kinds of stores because I feel like I'm going to mess everything up! I'm so clumsy that I have to tread lightly and only gently touch the tags so I can read them and be all, "Fuck this shit! $60 for a tshirt!?! I'm off to Old Navy."

Like different in a bad way? Or just different from a diva cup?

I've noticed soft cups at the Walgreens by my house. I think I'll buy a box tomorrow. That way I can see if I like using a cup before I invest $40+ in one.

No, I'm not having a difficult time finding people here to preach the gospel of the Diva cup. Who said I was? I knew I wouldn't have a hard time finding people to talk about menstrual cups, that's why I asked about them.

I notice a lot of people commenting about using menstrual cups. I've been thinking about getting one. What brand do you use? How about pros/cons? Any leakage with a cup? I'm tired of buying tampons.

You never know until you try...

We make a cookie at the bakery where I work that has chocolate, peanut butter chips, pretzels and potato chips. Now that cookie is amazing! You're right. Adding cream cheese to the mix..Nope!

Guy's Cheesecake Challenge $12

The real crime here is letting those Macaroons get soggy.

So really, we can thank SNL for giving him this idea?

I remember in the very early 90's getting a few pretty awesome Happy Meal toys. Once I got a really cool gardening set. Which was perfect for me because I loved to help my dad plant our vegetable garden every year. I remember the box still having games and puzzles on it. It must have been just a few years later when