That's what I thought!
That's what I thought!
Does Billy Ra Cyrus have an owl tattoo??? Now I'll never be able to get one...
This is me right now!
What subscription boxes are you signed up for?
She would be the one the get the $5,000 ring.
Omg a penguin in a penguin suit!? Now I've seen everything!
My sisters and I were still wearing our hair like that in the early 90's.
That's an awesome idea! I've never had a farmers market stand, but I know a girl who sells baked goods at the one in her neighborhood.
Uh uh no. Report that. "Enough" time has passed? Enough for who? Enough for what? That doesn't make any sense. Report it.
Two of my favorite dogs mixed into one! Also, Charlie is a rad name for a dog!
Hahahaha I want to steal this.
What the what!?
Now, I'm just crazy hungry.
Exactly. How much was I supposed to save working at KFC? I made 5.50/hr and worked 15 hours a week. Ohh watch out! That $300/month is really going to put a dent in my student loans!
Now, could we possibly take all of the snow from the Midwest and give it to California? We would be snow free and they could take care of their drought? No? Doesn't work that way? :(
I love this gif! I haven't watched Bewitched in such a long time.
Damn it Stephen King! What the hell!?
I had no idea what "eskimo sisters" meant. I had to google it. Now you MUST tell us!