Gail_von _Kleinenstein

I did order it from a school catalog one year!

Does the man age!? His hairs a little gray, but come on!

If someone gave me deodorant and tampons for a gift, I would be ecstatic! I hate buying necessities. There's so much other stuff I want to buy. Like cross stitch supplies or some a fancy undereye concealer. Two months ago. I got OB tampons on sale, buy one box get one free! I forgot about the second box and my period

Your SIL sucks! Next time don't get her shit! Well maybe shit, that would be pretty funny. Luckily My relatives are usually pretty cool with whatever I give them. Like my sister always says when i ask her what she wants for Christmas. "You don't have to get me anything. If I really want something I'll buy it myself"

I was looking at some patterns on Etsy. They look pretty simple. (I hope!) Thank you!

I didn't even think of good scissors! I think I have one pair of kitchen scissors somewhere. I will buy a nice pair! Thanks!

Thank you!

There's a special place in hell for Ivory Poachers Where there teeth are pulled out one by one. And then the teeth grow back and it happens all over again! Ugh.

Do you guys know what I got out of this article? There's a Plants VS Zombies 2!

When do I get a goat!?

i wouldn't call her chubby in that pic! I would love to look that good in a bathing suit!

I understand what you're saying. I guess you just can't please everyone all of the time. Especially asshole racists.

Only the whites can be beautiful in Murica! But seriously, all of these people can go live in a remote cave for the rest of their lives.

i have no idea what Coterie is but congrats!

Uh, how come I had no idea that Carly Simon and James Taylor had a son together?

Hope everything works out for you! Good luck!

It's like they're trying to get rid of her eyes!

Hey fellow Jezzie crafters. I want to start doing cross-stitch but i have a few questions. What exactly should i buy? Thread, hoops, needles? Anything else I'll need? Also, what are the best brands of thread, hoops, needles? Etc...etc...Also, would it be lame of me to make everyone cross-stitch projects for Christmas?

Yes. Boring. Cute animals, just boring.

I'm sorry...murderous hillbillies? I need to hear more about this.