Gail_von _Kleinenstein

I keep staring at that GIF of Katy Perry licking that cupcake? Ice cream cone? I don't know. But I keep staring at it, not because I find her attractive. Because I just got my ass kicked at the gym by my trainer and all I want is to shove my face into a big plate of cupcakes.

My life just got so much better. Thank you.

YES! She constantly looks troubled and sad. I think that's why I haven't watched the show yet.

I just woke up from a nap and read that as "smelling food" I thought she was running around the lunch room smelling other peoples food. I'm tired. Don't judge.

I didn't know he was from New Orleans!!! That makes watching Treme even more special!

I don't know. I think it looks freaking hilarious and I will be seeing it in theaters.

WTF! That receptionist is everything that's wrong with this world.

Yup, that's me.

I feel like this whole Zombies taking over the planet thing has really changed Daryl. Sure, he has a sketchy past, but I think he would treat you right. My vote is always for Daryl, I have a soft spot for rednecks that can hunt.

Yes! Thank you! She's the one I remember the best. They also did this on Family Matters, towards the end they switched the mom out.

Is my memory wrong? Weren't there two different Aunt Vivs on The Fresh Prince?

You are correct. It saddens me to think he was taken so tragically at such a young age.

Yeah, I don't get it either. I could care less about a mans thighs. Now nice arms and a great nose is what I'm all about.

I used to read a lot when I was little. Not 300 books a year, but I was at the library about every other day getting a new book. I don't know what happened to me, I hardly read now. I'm a little disappointed in myself. I keep telling myself I'll start reading more again but I never do. Siiigh

OMG! I'm going to start using "Non-Jon Hamms" when I talk about anyones penis! Also, no. Sorry i don't know of any sites like that, other than something like yahoo chat.

Oh man. I DID go to culinary school. Hahaha, and I agree with everything you said! I could have saved my self the $55,000+ if anyone had told me what culinary school was really like. Oh, well. At least I got to meet some great people and have 1 incredibly crazy year.

Oh goodness, I am so sorry. That must have been very hard for both you and your mom. I've recently been trying to lose some weight, and this post has really opened my eyes to how badly I've been treating myself these past few weeks. I've been too preoccupied with what the scale says, that I haven't been focusing on

Being "fat" was a constant topic of conversation in my family. I remember when i was 12 and going through puberty, so I was obviously getting curves where I didn't have curves before. A family member came over to our house and told me I should lose weight because all of the girls were wearing really low rise jeans and

Johnson and Wales? I'm jealous, I wanted to go there but my family thought it was too far away. Boo. Anyway, sorry about your raise. It's tough working in our industry. I once worked at a bakery that treated me horribly! We worked in CRAZY hot temperatures for 12+ hours 5-6 days a week. I worked there for 3 years, I

I hate that I can relate to this.