
I own an 09 G6 GXP with steering issues and an 07 Solstice GXP with the possible ignitiin issue.......glad it will be fixed however the stealership told me it may be a few months until parts are available and tried to convince me to trade both vehicles in for a brandy new one.......I refuse to give up my dream car

Hollywood doesn't care about your nostalgic ideals. They care about making money. With that said Micheal Bay grew up with this stuff too and he is just getting to realize his vision of these classics, cinema is still are and art will always be subjected to subjective opinions especially when it challenges preconcieved

is SS Firebird a viable option? I think this needs to happen, you weren't making any sense but you saved it with that godsend of an idea!

I work for a textile plant that suppkys both Marmot and The North Face and the production costs for the material alone is pretty high you're talking up to $60 a yard then figure in shipping to a cut and sew opoeration then labor to cut and sew plus cost for zippers etc then shipping to retail locations at the end of

I have an 09 G6 GXP Street Edition as well :-)

I disagree my Solstice is way better looking than a miata. ....its a shame Government Motors had to trim the fat just as Pontiac was investing in a resurgence attempt :-(

Fake GPS for android

Eh talk to me in 10 years.......I early adopted the google tv craze.....I mean flop, now I just have a mediocre tv that cost 4 times as much as it should have with none of the advertised functionality

Its called "Fake GPS" Its for android not sure if it's still in the google play store, I did a google search when I first found the app and there were a number of options out there for iphone, pc, mac, etc.

I purchased the NHL Gamecenter before knowing all the local games would be blacked out.....I found a workaround I use an app the spoofs my gps location to where ever I set it then the app doesn't know to black my games out #winning

I think there is one important question left unanswered. ......WILL IT BABY?

Even after they killed off Pontiac they did infact save GM and as far as I know GM is back to being indeprndently owned...

The firebird is the car that made me fall in love with cars, and my passion for Pontiac I currently own an 07 Solstice GXP and and 09 G6 GXP but my next project will be a 72' Firebird with a blown 502

The firebird is the car that made me fall in love with cars, and my passion for Pontiac I currently own an 07 Solstice GXP and and 09 G6 GXP but my next project will be a 72' Firebird with a blown 502

I just posted mine its on my rib cage though......

A tribute to the car that turned me into a gear head and sparked my passion for Pontiac

You couldn't pay me to shoot with a Canon.........

there are people that don't have DSLRs? we have 4 or 5 kicking around the big family party, I video my daughter opening her gifts with my D5000 and we have a D40 for stills (I know my kit is due for an upgrade) people really use thier phones as a primary camera?

great for those of us craving a bit of nostalgia. However these would be awesome for keeping a 4-9year old content in the back seat of a car for $20 I'll buy 2! My daughter is only 17months but I intend on not allowing her to own a smartphone until she is much older that the intended audience of this children's toy.

I was born with a rather common condition of an undescended testicle, normally it will descend naturally by the age of 1 not my case, I required surgery to lower it, unfortunately it moved back up and after 2 more surgeries the tisdue was dead and deemed a cancer risk so since the age of 3 I have been flying solo, I