No, one is fraud, the other is risk assessment. Risk assessment happens all the time. It is normal and good. If we demand that manufacturers produce items that absolutely will not fail under any circumstance, then they won’t be able to produce anything.

Bullshit. The fine is perfectly fair for a company that has repeatedly lied and declined to own up to it’s indiscretions despite many opportunities.

Well the #1 qualification for running FOM is to give unintelligibly contrived answers to extremely straightforward questions. In that category he is by far the most qualified replacement.

A retro-styled GM product that wouldn’t have sucked was the 2005 Holden Efijy concept.

V6 Mustangs are the SAE measurement but they use the metric system in Europe which is based on the Fiesta ST.

question: if you need a Ford GT to get a new Ford GT does selling your existing Ford GT in order to pay for your new Ford GT after you get the letter saying you can buy the new Ford GT revoke your ability to purchase the new Ford GT since you are no longer in possession of the old Ford GT when you take delivery of the

He could sell all of his current cars, then give you the $3,000 as a down payment.

I’m guessing the markup will be somewhere in the neighborhood of 37mil USD. Don’t ask me where I got that number. It just feels right.

Honda element had no carpet, I believe it was so you could hose out the interior after you vomited from the color combos (although I like the black orange)

When he’s driving, do you think he shifts his eyes to see the apexes, or bend light around him so that the apexes just line up like an endless straightaway ?

Kimi Raikkonen, the man of many emotions.

I binge-watch it on a fairly regular basis. Even re-watching some episodes.

You can’t win a race in the first lap, but you sure as hell can lose a race on the last lap.

The CR-Z was still alive?

*in old Top Gear Clarkson voice*: