Axl Rose does not sing in falsetto. I demand correction.

"...had been waiting for her to send him a sign" is backwards, no?

Maybe someone should put up a bounty of $100 for each vine of someone sneaking up behind Aaron VanDeventer (or his friend) and smacking the shit out him?

"for $1.50 a pop" just gave me a candy idea. Geniusssss (singing).

My erect penis is 7 inches using the standard measurement method. The problem is that my flaccid penis like 2" or less at times. I learned on SATC once that I'm a "grower, not a shower." Still, I am horribly embarrassed about this and have refused my entire life to get naked in a locker room. I dread physical

Stop giving credibility to these incurious sloths. Oh wait. Because: Gizmodo.

Every drink we give our daughter is cut with water to a calorie level WE feel is appropriate. You're not an asshole just because you don't let corporations decide what is right for you and your children. I don't oppose the government's message here. Can you tell me what incentive corporations have make less

Yeah for sure. I tried to make it so that when I used hashtags it was obvious I was being sarcastic. Sorry, I'm still learning how to use the Internet.

Why do I get the feeling the only people mad about this tweet are M.S. grads. #truth #fit4life

I use "myriad of" solely to troll assholes. Every thanksgiving this works swimmingly on my pretentious cunt of a sister-in-law...and any other adjective olympians I happen to come across (or on).

Aaron Paul is pretty good, too.

This is a great PR stunt as Volvo's likely trying to beef up the brand beyond "our cars are ugly but safe" i.e. "we're pussies". Someone knows the truth...

Possibly the funniest comment I've seen posted on the internet in 10 years.