I usually try to tie up my loose ends ;)
I usually try to tie up my loose ends ;)
the realisations that dawn upon you as you type this are making me smile
You shouldn’t have got off the track proper. Clearly there is the hand of God at play here.
What version is this?
EDIT: LOL, I love how, “after seeing what happened to you, the rest of the cars take that corner very very carefully.”
EDIT EDIT: And by “you” I mean that dude that posted this.
i think its possible that it just tells both teams they won?
This is the first time I’ve seen more dicks in an article than in the comments section (even Deadspin).
The first time I read Euripides’ Cyclops, I was a college senior, and I didn’t notice the rape joke. Maybe I was too…
How can an ice cube tray make ice cubes melt slower?
How can an ice cube tray make ice cubes melt slower?
there could be a game where you try to just take a picture of your cat in different shaped reticles. it would be the hardest most fun/frustrating game ever.
so, William Gibson was definitely right in Idoru, then. 😄
I explained in the article what spurred it. Did you miss that or not believe it? There were allegations last week that Sarkeesian lied about informing the police about harassment. A critic of hers had a person from the SFPD on audio saying they hadn't heard from Sarkeesian. That was certainly a story I felt we should…
Did she ever anticipate that making some YouTube videos criticizing the portrayals of women in video games would get her this much hate? I was familiar with rude comments and angry counter-arguments surrounding her work, but this sort of thing just takes it to a new level of depravity and sadism.
What is this song?
I don't think they tattoo it to their flesh.
I'm afraid of the places on the internet you go to to get these.
Talk about your... Cloud Gaming!
This is how I react every time I talk to a cute girl
Whether it's the news, television or the movies, Arabs have become synonymously linked with the word "terrorist."…