You, Sir (or Madam) win the Internet for today.
You, Sir (or Madam) win the Internet for today.
It's the sex that's different, mostly, and the agency. Men get a full suite of options in games. Being the victim is only one of many roles, and it's almost never a sexual victimhood. Women are much less likely to be the hero, kicking ass (Not that it never happens, just way less than for men) and much more likely…
I think there's already an XKCD about this...
Maybe if it was a giant alien spider. I imagine after a huge trauma history like that, a plain wolf spider isn't gonna do it for you.
You don't deserve any shit for that. It was a totally reasonable question. Yeah, it's alpha, and maybe there's some kind of semi-acceptable reason for why they haven't implemented more than one character model, but it's not like you're flying off the friggin' handle here. Those dudes that can't handle one logical,…
Dude, I totally didn't see that the first time through. Awesome.
Paradoxically, since you have enough sense to wonder if you're an idiot, you're almost certainly not an idiot. I've been playing X-COM games since the first one came out, and it seems to me that being short on time and money, and having to choose between "someone will die" and "probably worse than that" are part of…
It begins to sound like we're talking past each other, a little. When I said that we should not ogle, I meant that specifically with respect to how we express the appreciation of beauty you mentioned. I think that for many people, it'd be super awkward to hear that a bunch of random Internet strangers are getting…
Point of the character design? Unarguably.
Point of the lady in the cosplay? Unknown.
Ergo, I think we should take a step back. If we knew she wanted to be ogled, it'd be different. But we don't know anything about what she wanted, frankly, or what her conditions on it might be. Therefore, the only responsible…
I thought the pally was really good until I saw the garter belt. Ouch.
Heh, funny thing about it is that Kentucky says you can saw off Covington, Ft. Thomas, etc and give that to Ohio. We should just make a new state, and add Jefferson into the mix while we're at it.
bahahaha, so true.
"no chance"? You just dunned this guy for "rampant and unjustified speculation," and made an equally unjustified claim in the next sentence.
Well. I don't know whether to be very pleased or mortally offended that you've turned the Waste Land into comedy. I laughed, though. : D
Heh. They're big enough and crooked enough. Why not?
I'm with you. The old one has this great, pulp-like feel to it. The new one doesn't really feel like anything. Especially the blonde guy - why did they think it was a good idea to give him this blank expression and have him apparently firing into a pillar?
Hahaha. Brevity really is the soul of wit.
I'm with lisa. Dude was clearly not okay with it at all, didn't say anything, and then ratted you out to his Mom. Guy should've said something if he had a problem.
Dawwww, I think she's cute.