
That electric kettle seems to be hit or miss. The reviewers who has used it for some time have given it not so favorable reviews. Bummer. Was so close to buying it.

That electric kettle seems to be hit or miss. The reviewers who has used it for some time have given it not so

“more of a ‘poke’ instead of ‘swing’ person” hahaha fantastic!

“more of a ‘poke’ instead of ‘swing’ person” hahaha fantastic!

It is bundled with the Monoprice camera:

It is bundled with the Monoprice camera:


You have no idea how many iterations of that sentence I've heard from people I thought were reasonable. "We got 8 inches of snow... global warming my ass!"

I've been having a serious problem with my Nvidia card having a Kernel error and the driver stops working. It's so annoying that I might just have to switch to AMD if I can't figure out how to fix it. Anyone having the same issue and/or know how to fix it. The forums have a million different solutions that don't

Barry, how much do you get if I sign up?

You are the problem... smh.

Tiki Bob's is awful.

On the several occasions that I've paid with the company card, I always make a point to tip more than usual. It's not my money, so I don't lose much sleep.

I can't imagine the amount of time and energy it takes to become a professional athlete. Watching your kid bust his ass to achieve his dream, and then proceed to take the fruits of his labor is despicable. I couldn't do that to a stranger, much less my kin. I hope he sues the shit out of them. I wonder what role,

Uhh... no.

"I ate his cuticle with some pinto beans and a nice mate"

+1 (in the stink)

Jesus. Drive safe folks.

Depends. Did you workout today?

All those blessed souls who failed in their attempt at the Ice Bucket Challenge.

Read it again, but slower.

I worked at a movie theater for far too long and during the downtime, I poked and prodded the higher-ups with similar questions. Here are my answers from my experience (may actually be different):

His dog saw him crying and came over to console him. Meanwhile, his cat tried to lick the autographs off the helmet.