
Well, like in Korea, a lot of Asians eat their 'burgers with knife and fork. I might try to make that this weekend though :S

She should of been in Last of Us... <sigh>

You can tell by the ambient lighting / color from said lighting. There is no natural light from their surroundings infused with the shadows or their clothing. That's the first thing that is a huge tell.

For now.

I can't wait to get this on PC. Hope the Keyboard/Mouse support is really solid :S

I am running an 7970 atm and it's great. Games that require physx if you look you can turn on for CPU Physx and runs quite well actually, and if you have an i5 or stronger it doesn't effect performance.

What's funny is Physx can run on AMD GPUs perfectly fine. It runs on 360 (ATI GPU,) and will run on PS4 (AMD GPU) and

My wife and I make Japanese fried chicken all the time. It's amazing.

Change the shape of the hand, and it will print money.

Why class action? Paypal protects 100% against fraud. This is one major reasons Paypal did not like paying out to Kickstarter projects and he just gave them more reason. This happens quite a bit in other areas of the Kickstarter campaigns.

Time for all those people to write to Paypal and get refunds due to fraud.

This isn't a reason not to buy an XOne. Sony could of made a mistake on the same level.

It is to show a real issue with the community as a whole, from many angles. Time to see the Apathetic Jerks who can't take a punch themselves to roll out and demoralize the issue.

Phil Harrison: "Our long term vision hasn't changed at all. We haven't diluted our long term vision,"

I remember working at Electronics Boutique (EBGAMES I'M OLD) when people said the Analog controller on the N64 was a gimmick and wouldn't catch on.... :S

Not really, this is more proof Microsoft, a Software (then services) company needs to stay the hell out of hardware. They took a Dell approach to their hardware and almost every sku had differences from internal design to components used. There really wasn't a large amount of consistency in their purchasing, ie from

Well they have to find a way to push that 120m sold number up right? :-\ First RRoD, then E74, now this.

Well, Warframe is on PC, A lot of XOnes 'exclusives' are on PC... damn it I might have to break down and buy one of them.

Or should I use the money to buy a newer drafting table (since the ones I own are either small or huge) and a new easel and be creative....


What? By this logic people who BUY GUNS should be monitored...

I'm waiting for the 2DS XL for TV.

One source even suggested that enforcing parity across consoles could become a political issue between platform holders, developers and publishers. They said that it could damage perceptions of a cross platform title, not to mention Xbox One, if the PS4 version shipped with an obviously superior resolution and

Well, both systems are very close to standard x86 architecture, if anything this means they can develop both consoles and the pc version parallel of each other without much hindrance.

The PS4 went with an already installed system (APU) and eliminated bus bottle necking by making ram, gpu and cpu components all talk