
Your SNES isn't designed to go onto the internet, work with a service provider, and is a real time machine that doesn't need os updates to even be compatible with newer standards that are being released.

Your argument is as close as to saying your claw toothed hammer doesn't need updates so it's fine.

The fact is this

Well roving bands of Player vs Player is still Player vs Player. They wanted nothing but world PvP like other pre-existing mmos like Ultima Online and Everquest. The MMORPG evolved and that model, much like the sub model now, was antiquated.

As I said, they had big plans for PvP since wow's conception and early

Also, Arenas was something they had in discussions before Beta. It's also part of the lore, especially with Varian showing the Arena scene and the fact the Arena was part of Org since day one. They system was the issue and they finally with 5.4 realized teams needed to go. I can't wait.

Also if you read my original

Communication between sides breaks the wall between factions OR generates griefing.

The account I am on now wasn't there during Beta, but I played during beta. I remember they really wanted to push world pvp overall, and like most games that focus heavily on world pvp, it ruins the pve experience at certain points.


PvP is tacked on? Of course that's why there is two factions and they have done everything, including muddle emotes (anyone remember communication with the opposite faction via /e?) to stop coordination. Plus they are working hard to take Arenas to the next level to make them more e-sport friendly with more balance,

Can't wait. Bebop is one of my fave animated series of all time.

And all the Nintendo Drones will continue to defend any decision that Nintendo makes by all means. Never knew who was worse, Nintendo or Apple (Steve Job Era) freaks.

Well played... well played.

I am going to be positive about this and say I can't wait for it. I just got a nostalgic feeling while watching that video, from the first times watching Akira, GitS, Robot Carnival, Macros Plus, or putting in Mega Man 1, Castlevania, or even SMB3 or SMarioW.

He has my support.

Parents let their kids lug around 130 game systems around for some time. DS Lite when they improved the durability? I saw kids everywhere with them. I remember the biggest two things breaking on the DS was the hinges and the top buttons with kids, so maybe that's why they went this route.

ALSO, capping WORDS for

Well, I will tell you it already failed in Design. Being older and having many friends who have kids under 7 that want this system, I emailed their parents. They all commented on the same thing, and that was portability was gone with the lack of clam-shell.

Super means better. 3DS is still a number before to signify 3 > 0 DS.

What does U mean? Especially in the world of progression. It comes after T and before V but... that's it.

Also we had this discussion about the confusion with Average Joe Dad buying an X-Box ONE and his kid just had an X-Box 360.

And yes, the Vita is

Sega has so many great franchises that if they just did something like this with them they would bring in the cash. They don't have to remake the wheel and add their franchise to it (Golden Axe or Shining Force anyone?)

I like it, except the fact you're right on the transport. One thing I always loved about my DS line over my PSP was the fact it was a clamshell. Now, the triggers did seem to like to get broken.

More like "Surprise we have stock" "Surprise we have RRoD"

I agree. I lost a few systems to the RRoD. I always wonder out of that 100M sold number how many were actually RRoD or E74 replacements...

Well, I am interested to see supply, which could possibly drive up demand. If they are having problems supplying consoles to more than 13 countries, I bet Sony, who has been pushing yields for some time now, pushed their date up to really screw with MS.

Maybe the Xbox Two/720? Might have a better build up with Balmer

It's really sad MS cut corners for hdmi input and to include a peripheral that is now* not required.

In the end it just means only PS4 exclusives will see the full power of the PS4, while 3rd party games will probably look identical now.

I am thinking I might save the money and buy things for my studio or even a nice

My grandmother owned a lot of land when I was a child. We had deer that would come near the back porch and we would feed them. I never knew if it was a learned behavior or something instinctual but we would nod and they would nod back similar to these.


It will probably be a pay to get ahead type game such as Warframe where outside of vanity items, most items that can be bought through microtransaction can be farmed in game.