Or a snapping turtle... biting peoples fingers off. Oh how would we use our gamepads, mice and keyboards then! #conspiracydiscovered
Or a snapping turtle... biting peoples fingers off. Oh how would we use our gamepads, mice and keyboards then! #conspiracydiscovered
How do you know know it's a magic cap? Those Deathcap... er white mushrooms in your backyard are magic... >.>
no, really, don't eat the deathcaps u_u
Fantasy World is Fantasy. Do you ask "Why would a man get big when eating a mushroom? LAWL" every time you play a Mario game?
Maybe she has been up all night cleaning her guns and isn't off to shoot someone? Maybe she just likes the taste? Maybe you are limited in perception of subject matter? :S
Well, blue screens and start menus here we come.
So the Xbox One introduces, Alt-Tab to the console.
I think Sony will probably follow suite, or hope so. I wish steam would be more open about their store, but I can see from a storage and management standpoint where it can become a nightmare.
It will be interesting to see what MS does, they have the money to support the storage and bandwidth required to do what they…
I wasn't 100% sure. I am an Oils user and only used acrylic for very specific projects.
I guess the difficulty of matching colors after letting them set and the natural translucency of oil paints just kept me away from Acrylic.
Now, I will say acrylics are easier to handle, dealing with mineral spirits/turpentine etc.
I will find a way to make this beauty work with my pc! I might not get a XO/PS4 for some time but I will probably be in line at launch to pick up one of these beauties.... after I sell some plasma... and a kidney... >.>'''
Marcus Beer is a troll. He attacks people on a personal level and demands justice for asinine things such as him not getting his way. I rarely have seen him be a constructive instrument to the gaming industry.
Fish, is a pretentious creative type. That isn't justification but Beer fed into this. Neither party is…
Yep. Hirst is proof that people add value to a work merely of the artist name. I have some artist I see as dear friends who have become stagnate in their development because they hit that safe spot where they sell product simply due to their name.
Which is fine in the end, but they are selling their name, and a…
I just read his site and he says acrylic.
Do you think he used washes, fabric acrylic or even fabric dye with a brush? I know standard Acrylic would easily crack with age/flexing of the fabric. We use to paint things on our jeans with acrylic in art school and easily peel it off. Then we would also switch our oil palettes with their acrylic palettes and they…
Nintendo Lawyers cutting you off at the ankle...
Sadly, as a creator he can say dumb mundane crap like that. I know a lot of fine artist (my real trade) that bash on picasso and van gogh simply to make themselves look sophisticated. Usually a lot of us just ignore them and enjoy their works lol.
Where did he tell Beer to kill himself? Also Beer was doing subjective, rant trolling of a person versus objective criticism. What's sad is we applaud that toxic behavior versus constructive and objective journalism.
Then people wonder why so many of our 'journalistic' and 'news' sources are such garbage and filled…
That isn't racist. If he said Japanese people are unable to produce quality x or Japanese people make funny looking characters because of their squinty eyes, then he would be making a racist comment.
I sort of fallen out with the super-hero genre. I still love x-men Jim Lee prior, especially the Byrne/Claremont days.
Brings up memories of Leifield and his 1000 teeth Cables and characters with tooth-pick knees.
Down to 7.7m subs! D: Glad they finally are pulling people from other projects to make wow majestic again. Even I am burned out. Playing Warframe and Mercenary Kings atm.
This rendition is amazing though. It's one of my favorite songs in the entire game. And if you are pro-alliance or pro-horde you're just a... troll?…