
Poor soul can't take a show to be entertainment and nothing more. Everything has a political agenda in your mind right? Do you sit there in the grocery and ask "do I go with the socialist cheddar or the capitalistic corporatism american? Maybe the pansy swiss.... hmmm...."

Donna went to prison after killing all the writers for continuing the show without Topher Grace >.>

Anyone who trivializes the views of others in my eyes is either trash or a con artist.

Still is going to be interesting how they manage quality games vs non-quality games. Also be interesting to see how Sony reacts since MS is trying to do a lot to make up from the huge mistake from earlier this year.

Also interesting because it will allow even more people access to game development.

I totally agree with your statements Whiteblaze & Ashton. When they said they were focusing on holding back the roster and graphics on the Wii U Version so it would be identical to the 3DS, it just made me wish they were seperate games.

Will it be fun, probably so. Am I still considering getting a Wii U just for this

Well Ninja Gaiden was technically Tecmo's "Shinobi" much like this was Capcom's "Shinobi." Very popular back in the good ol'days of the arcades to see rip offs of other companies successful games, much like SNK early on with a lot of their games.

I do I do! But Strider 2 was so much better in the arcades for it used a higher end hardware kit.

If you can find it for MAME (or own it) then you're in luck.

Now the videos above looked stale, visually and gameplay wise.

As for someone else, I wouldn't mind seeing a DmC style Strider, especially if Team Ninja did it. I

Already responded to this in a later comment. They are loosing their secondary installment market. They are still doing fine for primary installment, but not as many people are buying 2-3 extra pc's for their home unless they have multiple gamers in the home. Also lower income brackets aren't buying as many pc's as

I think it's cool, but I feel it will be like Kickstarter and flooded with crap causing a lot of the real gems to be lost.

Just a fact, but I do think it's cool. BTW, PC has had this since early days O:-) (just saying to be funny)

One of the few Console Titles I have been overly excited for :S

I thought on wireless controllers if you have the charging cable and the battery it would connect through the cable, making it unnecessary to buy the dongle if you have the rechargeable battery pack, which in turn would benefit both your 360 and pc... :S

It's been a while since I used a wireless on my pc so I might

Warframe starter pack for 10 bucks was pretty awesome. I didn't get any fantastic rares I didn't already own but my friends did.

Most people probably missed it though.

How are the games controls oh wait

Damn you auto-correct. LMAO.

To much chit chat. I trolled and got responses I like haha. Back to Warframe XD

Why do you need a blu-ray player in the system? Most games are downloaded on the computer and still come on dvds if you buy physical copies.

Also you don't need an i5. You need a processor that can handle a dedicated four threads of information, which many developers still don't use more than two threads.

I am hoping

This is true, but primarily in two areas:

1. Second PC's for the home, especially laptops. Many families with some disposable income, with the desire to be techno-philes or just having another device for a family member to use while the primary pc is in use have shifted to buying more portable technologies. What shocks

No hard feelings. Really it saddens me. The Wii was the last console. The Dreamcast/PS2/XBox were the devices of the real Console Generations.

The companies are pushing them to be more of a device for the entire family than a gaming machine. Part of me realizes this isn't a problem outside they are pushing into an area

Well, for around 400 dollars if you shop around you can build a four core machine on an AM3+ mobo with a 7770 with 8GB of ram. Now here where the pc wins. That AM3+ socket is lasting for another four years, so you can upgrade to a better processor and graphics card in two years that should outperform both consoles.

Well, console numbers are going down. Three big reasons are PC's are becoming more and more affordable to run the current generation of games, many casual gamers are moving to devices such as tablets and smartphones and finally people are finding more enjoyable games that cost 4.99-14.99 USD compaired to the six hour