
Do you say this remark to all your console fanboy friends when they do the same thing? If you say yes you're a hypocrit.

The fact is PC gaming is taking off, especially with expensive consoles, hardware costs coming down and more entertaining games are coming out at more affordable prices that are more enjoyable en

As long as they speak english and hate blacks, jews and non christians, any dog is allowed in....

Zombies eat your dog.... I AM LEGEND style. D:

XboxDone and PSFail... PC Wins!! you heard it hear first.

Is it me or does she look similar to Naomi Watts

Where's the Comics!

And you will read in the news the next day how someone died of a hostess overdose....

They aren't the same, like Mike Fahey said they changed the texture of the filling. Also look at the ingredients.

Little Debbie's version of it is closer to the original, even though if one entered my house all the salad and health food would beat the hell out of it. <sighs, and eats carrots and hummus>

I was going to say. I grew up on real bacon, huge smoked pork bellies with the rind still in tact that you sliced and fried. This current bacon phase in America makes me laugh.

I like their products and their brand for such a long time meant a solid piece of equipment. Lately not so much. Even their designs have been lacking. Their current mechanical keyboards with the offset f-keys really mess with anyone and is why I went ahead with a choc-mini.

Like I said, their deathadders when they

Definitely looking at the ps4 translates into: we're not sure we can make money off of the XO.

Also all the devices are USB, especially the controllers, and I know many PS3 owners including myself that would kill for a solid XBox style controller for the PS3. ATM I use an adapter.

Not sure, but it's been in WoW since 2004. There is a spell Blink in D&D where you basically flicker between planes/realms (depending on what version/world you are playing) and it alters time, allowing you to move freely for a period while the world around you is at a stand still. So maybe D&D?

I had so much hope for this. Maybe in the next quarter games will come out for it.

Fatass... says a lot about the problems with gamer culture oh wait you're just part of the problem you're bitching about.

FFVII-2 anyone? RedXIII as main character? >.>''''

It keeps popping up on front page. I really need to pay attention to timeframes.

It comes out on PC/360/180.

I love how they keep saying Xbox One Exclusive.....

It's also coming to 360, so that makes me wonder how limited it will be on the XBox One. I have the same fear for Destiny coming to PS3/PS4 Xbox360/180.

True. I think they should of pushed services more like Steam, using QR codes and allowing the loaning of disks. The issue is Console Mentality versus PC Mentality. PC Users like me are so use to this on the PC. If a game is to expensive, I wait for the price to drop or hawk a sale on Steam, Greenmangaming or Gamefan.

Xbox One won! I am going to have to buy one for Titanfa.... oh pc edition nvm.