
Really, QR Codes have worked on laptop, desktop and cellphone camera's for years. They simply didn't add the functionality.

It's Amy Farrah Fowler :O

Badpiper would wreck them both. Then play the pipes better.

What does this say about the XBox One's outlook when he runs to Zynga? Gaiz Im scured.

Microsoft has been trying to get into the set top business for over a decade. Windows for TV, buying out Web TV and the slow shift of the 360 to more of a set top box.

I bet he fought it, lost, proved his point and bailed.

I'm getting off of this sinking ship! <gulp>

I agree. Then again, Microsoft has been pushing the set top box for years now. Purchasing Web TV, trying to make a distro of Windows for PC's to connect to your TV, and now trying to push the XOne as a set top box over a gaming system.

Usually heads of Divisions like this are driving in the direction the management

Well, a big issue is even if you buy the PSEye, and A game it will be just a little more than the XO. Replace the PSEye with a controller, and it's even better.

Not to mention the PR fiasco MS already has tattoo'd on their face, it's going to be interesting.

Or they said a simple "Here's a 1000 bucks, can we have our domain?" MS is sometimes nice about it since what is 1000 bucks to them really. I would settle for that lol.

The issue is the terminology "the company was trying to get control of"

This doesn't mean they actually reached out to the owner, they could simply have been trying to use legal threat against the registrar and force ip dominance, which is null due to it being registered before the Wii was announced as the

Xbox had similar CD/DVD issues as the PS2. Especially after the system gained some life on it. Also the Gamecube had bricked systems coming out the door when it first launched.

The only systems to not have major issues, especially at launch are the SNES/SF and N64, with the Playstation close behind.

Just look at Skulls of the Shogun developer 17-bit who signed a deal with MS, was promised development money and then never saw it.

There are more stories.

Also for those who complain about hearing this guy, it's journalism. MS did some tactical thing to make it where it was free to update existing games since April and

The title says it all. Why is Politics getting all into my Gaming? D:

You're right. It's all about hardware optimization and code optimization. The PS4 is trying to go for a more standardized hardware kit where you can have limitless middleware/engines for your choosing to customize even farther for your game.

The issue here is when doing cross-platform developers will have to find a

Yeah, the PS2's laser problem was way more common than the RRoD....

The original Square Soft game is completely different in it's own right and is a masterpiece but these new games have all been a blast. This actually makes me want to get a 3DS now....

The problem is the world equality is used. It, in itself by logical standards, is a double standard that seems to be justified by a left sided societal outlook and ignored out of 'white guilt.'

For equality to exist you have to lift everyone up, not demean one group to bring it down to match the uplifted groups.

This is


Everyone knows when our robot masters reveal themselves they will laugh at our attempts to make walking machines, by showcasing their flying ones.

Then we'll all be dead.