Bayonetta 2.... I want you so bad. The game looks good as well....
Bayonetta 2.... I want you so bad. The game looks good as well....
Not sure if I am getting either console, at least not until they drop in price. The definite is I am going to nab a XOne controller for my pc, especially with the new d-pad :S
Great game. Sadly my copy was with my mod Saturn, Mod Dreamcast and orignal 1k series ps with many other games (including all my capcom fighters) in a box that disappeared when I moved this past time....
Maybe if we had a better (not as in more, but cleaner and more efficient) social welfare system and a better health system to take care of those who are prone to violence in the first place, especially since mental health care institutions have been receiving less and less funding over the past 10 years forcing…
Now remove requirement for kinect, use kinect development to make better hardware, and sell it for 100 less.
I don't want kinect watching me masturbate on the couch or my wife and I chasing other around the house naked. KTHNX.
So it's the gamer's fault companies can't figure out how to manage their budgets and not inflate cost of production of AAA games which the loss of money is blamed on second hand and rental markets since pirating has been shown to be a non factor?
I mean, Resident Evil sold 4.9 Million copies and that was UNDER…
But the kinect will still be ease dropping on you and waiting for that chance to upload your data....
...and pics of you sitting nude on the couch.
And Steam has code that hints at game sharing! PC WON.... >.>
Or paying for the publishing and not development? I bet if Platinum went to MS or Sony and asked to be published would be all over it.
The issue is Nintendo doesn't check up to see where the minerals are actually coming from. That is all. Slave labor is a huge issue in Africa, the Middle east and Asia sadly.
I think it would better themselves to ask people "how many products in your house have something mined, farmed or produced by slave labor" than…
I have both via CPS/MAME on uh... backed up roms. Any reason to purchase these new titles? I really want to but if i spend more money on games my wife my cut my wahoo off... :S
I know, I lost my poor 360 elite to a bricking update. I contacted MS and they said it was a hardware failure. So we took it apart and no sign of overheating or melting supports. Made me sad ; ; Sadly I didn't get to choose to wait, my wife didn't realize what was going on and installed it.
As for installing updates, I…
Same name (chris irl) and that image makes you double awesome.
If Nintendo is paying the bills it's second party.
Those aren't second party titles.
Nintendo makes another home run with rinse repeat games! Making it all the way to home and safe!
They'll be good, but they aren't ground breaking. The last groundbreaking title they really released was Galaxy, then 2.
Yeah Square Enix... listen to this guy.... MS Didn't with the Xbox One lololtrollol.
Remember Batman Dark Knight? Using cell phone distribution to make a sonar map?
Maybe Xbox One will do the same..... All Game Stops, Living Rooms and.... Bed Rooms mapped out.
Remind me not to put one in my bedroom. I don't want them hearing me and my wife u_u'''''
Remember that the Kinect is always listening. The thing is they can use key words to modify their advertising to you, much like Google does (which Microsoft has attacked,) and even possibly feeding that information to your content provider.
It's a scary concept, that it's listening for key words to modify adverts.…
How about save that 10$ SE and make FFXIV and FFXV great and start making FFXVI amazing?
Shaped and looks like are two different things. The XOne looks like a black version of one of the old Beta Max's my family had when I was a kid.
This just is an eraser shape to look sleek. It's a lot better than that bubble round crap of the ps3 first gen...
Titan is really WoW2, called World of Timecraft.... >.>''''
In all reality, it will be on consoles if they are still around when it's finally freaking launched lol.