Also how the circa-1973 mice looked, while gazing upon 40 years' worth of food/wiring.

I've used a variation of that phrase before as well...

I tend to want to hump any GM from '86-93 with a turbo and intercooler, but that's too fugly even for 20k...

Say what you will about flyover states, corn jokes, and dying of boredom. But after spending a decade in NYC and Florida, this UNL alum will never leave Nebraska again, it's filled with really nice folks. And the diehard conservative types can be surprisingly open minded.
However I may indeed die of boredom...

Well played sir.
Unless of course she sees one on Kardashians or TMZ, in which case said owner will be getting all the sex. Gotta love American girls.

Nebraska hates Colorado: its wannabe gangbangers and uppity tree huggers are the worst, and CU is a garbage fire of a football team (but an awesome campus).
We do secretly envy the Rockies. And also the weed.

Yep, shoot Lincoln with cheap target ammo and dump it into a shallow grave, that's poetic justice. Its death would come with the same mediocre investment and minimal effort as its later life has. Good riddance.

Because when you're 90, the little monsters will patronize you with things like "whoa dad, we're really going fast now!" as they aim their boring hybrid toward your last stop—the nursing home.

Because when you're 90, the little monsters will patronize you with things like "whoa dad, we're really going fast now!" as they aim their boring hybrid toward your last stop—the nursing home.

Every married woman in my tiny Midwestern hometown has one of these. It's like the GMC dealers give em out free to every husband who buys a Sierra.

How ballsy was that play call? Fantastic.
Huskers finally beat an SEC foe, nice work boys!

True, but after seeing terrible things like that, maybe dying doing what you love at a great football game isn't a bad way to go. RIP

MS had some amazing battles with Mika H at McLaren back in the day. Never cared for his occasional unsportsmanlike driving but he is simply the best, perhaps the greatest man to ever grip a steering wheel.
Get well Schumi, we're all pulling for you.

New Grand Nationals, Ts, and GNXs if they look like this.

Meh. Bring back the G8 GT and GXP. Way cooler.

This community should change your mind on that, as we drive/beat the ever loving crap out of our TRs:

Another example of that point: it's a fairly well-known fact that late 1980s Turbo Buicks only got about half of the body-to-frame rubber bushings that they were supposed to. You could look under there and see a long bolt holding nothing but air. On a car making 355 lb-ft of torque and offering T-Tops. Pillar cracks

My thoughts exactly.
That's just nuts.

Are all douchebags named Dax, kinda like all hot girls are named Ashley?
Can someone explain the child naming process here? Do parents just start throwing out random words, a la Anchorman? "I name you...chair."

"Pound fo Pound, Suga Ray the baddest fighta that eva lived."
"Aw come on man, Whatabout Joe Louis?"