A buddy's dad had one of these ugly red bastards. It blew fuses with such regularity that he finally replaced all of them with coins. It ran great for a few months, then perished in a massive engine bay fire.
Related? Probably not.
I interviewed John about the "lost Camaro" contest that he put on a few years ago, for a well known car trader site. He came off as a hell of a nice car guy, and was thrilled to finally have his second gen Camaro back. I'm guessing he looked like the above pic when he found the car...
Fun fact: he has a very heavy…
I'm a fan of cool-ass bitches in their 30s myself.
Yep, some GM fans are mouth breathers.
Just like many German-car fanboys are insecure, arrogant douches.
Enjoy overpaying for your perceived superiority [breathes through mouth]
Jesus, like a nonchalant boss. Apparently a swan dive into the drink wasn't enough to get him excited...
Yet another example of the dipshit way things work in the Deep South/Florida.
Doesn't matter if they're natives or transplants, I've never seen such backwards, head-in-ass organizations and such power-hungry douchebaggery from the people in them.
While personal experience applies to standard office managers, are there…
I love Walmart.
Also , '86 CreakVettes rock, especially autos with that sick 3.0-plus 1st gear. TPI + 700R4 = hella torque.
Well done sir. Now go get those brass balls chrome-coated.
Like many male/female issues, these extreme man-choads wouldn't be a thing if men could just communicate with each other.
Did you think that women just magicked that ability to relentlessly goad you into the Where Is This Relationship Heading/When Are You Proposing To Me? conversations? No, they're experts at it…
Dear God, If I'd had an Internet connection in my room at 14, I'd be blind now.
What a douche. Like Kenny didn't have a bad enough day before this nonsense?
Any recommendations on electric razors for sensitive skin?
I use a budget circular triple head Norelco and Lectric shave, but still get razor burn...
Any recommendations on electric razors for sensitive skin?
I use a budget circular triple head Norelco and Lectric…
Yeah I hear you: just moved from a 93-94 octane Sunoco area to a 87-89 octane area. My tuned efi muscle cars are not happy.
"Hello, VP? I need a 55-gal drum of C16 please...wait, how much is shipping??"
Happy b day Kimi! You make us non-talkative Nordic types proud.
Also, I challenge you to a drunkenly boat falling duel. I think I speak from more experience...
Caprice, because Holden.
Seems like everything they touch is magic.
That is badass! Need it for my Turbo Buick...
Godspeed, fellow gear-banger...
Lady Texan, your Truffle Shuffle references are fantastic. Don't ever change (and keep calling TexBro fights).