Made me feel pretty old haha....considering most of us "Nintendo kids" or "younger Generation X, XY, older Y" are in our thirties now o_o
Made me feel pretty old haha....considering most of us "Nintendo kids" or "younger Generation X, XY, older Y" are in our thirties now o_o
While I understand the overall aim of the Norwegian justice system, and applaud it......I still believe it to be a little experimentally naive to have such a blanketed system when it comes to homicide, especially on this scale. A little grey area, wishful thinking in a way. This guy is clearly not sorry for taking…
"No American".....yeah, considering America is a country full of over 300 million people with a widely diverse range of views and one has a "leg to stand on" when it comes to an opinion, huh? lol smh
Kotaku has become one big jaded internet troll.
Just curious....what the heck is a Need for Speed movie supposed to look like?
Yeah....because no one can be inspired by anything for naming purposes.
Thanks for the SubRosa suggestion though, Kotaku. Never heard of them and was very pleased :)
The word hipster is so overused these days, it's original meaning means nothing anymore and is cheapened. If you happen to like anything that other people like anymore (whether mainstream or not), you can be labeled a "hipster". It's quite humorous.
Electronic music has taken over, actually. And there is a lot of quality releases if you have the ear for it and know where to look.
Just for fun, my top 5 were none of these. James Blake: Overgrown, Jon Hopkins: Immunity, Queens of the Stone Age: .....Like Clockwork, Daft Punk: Random Access Memories, and Chance the Rapper: Acid Rap (mixtape).
Derp is such a fitting name for these clowns.
Yes, because individual personal experiences in individual retail stores in individual communities are proof of everything. Until real numbers arrive, all the hyperbole means squat, except maybe to fanboys. This isn't directed at the original poster, just most others.
Woooow lol...don't get me wrong now, I totally love Nintendo. And I'm usually not a online negative nancy like so many others are. But this commercial was just baaaad lol It's totally like they are still trying to explain things in a way grandma could understand and want to come back to them and be brand loyal.
Come back to me in two years on that.
Yes. A bunch of yes all over this post. I am an equal opportunity gamer. I'm a fan of Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo. And TLOU is my game of the year. It just happens to be a certain console exclusive, but no other game this year affected me quite like this one. Plus, imo it had not only a strong campaign/story,…
Really? You need more male friends.
Imagine if you were the first person that said that. Wow.
Playfire's tracking has been broken for a while now.....TrueTrophies, however, is fantastic :)
I'm sorry, but Watch_Dogs is perfectly fine.
I have no problem getting a next gen system immediately. I'm so behind on titles that I hope for the ability to play most current generation games on my new system, whether it be through Gakai or whatever. I have a Wii, 360, and PS3 hogging up my entertainment space, so it would be preferable to phase out, say, my…