He's 67. Just sayin.
He's 67. Just sayin.
Nice how you put this "unbiased" article out as fact. Integrity in journalism has been dead for a while now.
Doesn't sound like your user name is very fitting.
Aaaaaand the Sony fanboys swarm the internet in full force lol
This whole post is a joke, right? lol smh
It's called alternate history, smart guy.
It's not okay, really. It is okay, however, to SING the word when listening to hip hop :)
No, HBO would not be "wise" to acknowledge that. If an adult isn't mature enough to handle the material as presented, do not watch. Read the books instead. Where the wording is very descriptive itself. This is why we have HBO. It may as well be on NBC if not. I am very anti-censorship, if you can't tell.
That's unfortunate. Gaming provides great stories.
Man, gamers are a bunch of babies these days.
No, no they are not "pretty much the best jRPGs to come out in their era." How off base of you.
"Isn't anything special to do there"......that statement shows your absolute ignorance.