This. Anyone who thinks their job is not vulnerable has a hard lesson coming.
This. Anyone who thinks their job is not vulnerable has a hard lesson coming.
The only thing worse than being bored at work is settling in to being bored at work and then suddenly getting something to do.
This. I can do my work, that my company allocates 40+ hours a week for, in like 5-10 hours. The rest is just showing up to meetings and filling out forms as necessary. After that I spend my time trying to look busy and trying to hide the fact that I’m mostly on the internet... you know, like right now.
Relative to profits, wages have been stagnant for about four decades. An anecdote about wages of a few individuals doesn’t change that.
It’s funny how the FF7 contrarians refuse to reconcile what an enormous impact that game had. Mediocre games never had that kind of influence, not back then. And being a pretty niche genre was all the more impressive. It literally changed the perception of the PS to a must own console (along with RE2). Imagine if Call…
Man, I couldn’t disagree more. P5 was by and large the greatest Persona in every facet that I’ve ever played. Not taking away from 3 and 4, but I truly feel this is one of the few series that got better with every single entry since Revelations.
Hey, in Trump's America none of this matters anyhow. You can just make up facts or history and call it good, apparently.
They eat Apple up 1) because it’s a status symbol, and 2) because there’s no real domestic competitor. Sony Ericsson is the only Japanese phone maker that ever really had any market share, and they’re all but extinct at this point.
No parent should ever outlive their child. They definitely shouldn’t tear open their child’s chest while quoting a…
Considering this is a work of only 1 person, not a team of hipster developers working inside a starbucks, I think you can give the man a little slack. He has been working on the game for 4 years entirely by himself.
That's cool and all, the good news is you don't have to play this. I don't see retro style as a trend, I see it as a stylistic choice that adds variety to the kinds of games we play.
I hate when people say they "outgrow" something. Such an ironic statement becuase it just shows how you haven't grown up if you are so insistent on proving to people you are an adult now. Insert Lewis Carroll quote here.
"Mortal Combat" isn't popular. I've never heard of it.
Here's the thing; if Mortal Kombat was JUST violence, I would have lost interest long ago.
You'd have more of a point if MK9 and X weren't specifically made with gameplay in mind so as to make MK relevant as a fighting game again. MK9 wasn't getting tons of praise because "mindless consumers", it was getting it because it was a quality product and a return to form. MKX appears to be following in those…
All I got from that is that we need to tweet harder.
So now we live in a world where it's OK to be an asshole because if your douchebaggery is a problem for someone, they're just being overly sensitive?