We put a stop to that after I saw it the second time
We put a stop to that after I saw it the second time
My five year old has an active imagination and regularly acts out scenes where he is playing two or three different characters, all while actively playing Lego Star Wars (the original trilogy, natch). It's loud, but often funny. I went to a lot of loud concerts as a kid, so my hearing isn't as good as my wife's. …
Amazing, isn't it? How a child can block out everything you're trying to convey to them (in this case: SHUT UP!) and continue on with the screaming?
Man, to each his own, but where the fuck does Loud-Friend get off trying to discipline your kid?
"IF THEY REFUSE TO SHUT UP, START DRINKING. Bourbon mutes everything."
YELL at it?! Once that thing scaled the tree in two hops, the only sound my body would've been capable of making would be a quick, muffled "pop-pop!" as my nuts re-ascended into my body. Then I would've fired six rounds straight up in the air while simultaneously shitting my shorts and screaming like Carlton Banks.
My father, who never misses an opportunity to parent other people's children, let me in on a bit of dad ninjitsu when I was well into my twenties. Some yowling animal was raising a shitfit at a store, and the mother descended to its eye level with the coo-coo-cooing and the aw-sweeeeeeeties. My dad was borderline…
My 19 month old son is in a screaming phase which is really awesome when driving...or eating a restaurant...or awake... Anyway, we have been doing the diversion stuff, the whisper quietly to him stuff, and the ignore stuff. Ignoring doesn't seem to help. But whisper seems to get him to stop for a second. My first kid…
"Children are often loud and cranky because they're hungry but too stupid to articulate it."
Watching this video, I realized I would've had an inescapable desire to hug the bear when he came up to say "hello" at the :53 mark. And then I would've died a horrible, horrible death.
Bear: {walking on ground, smells man in tree, looks up, begins thinking to himself} what the hell? {starts climbing tree}
I know there was a bear in his vicinity and fear of imminent death probably impacted his thinking, but that's still no excuse for such shoddy camerawork. When will people learn to flip the camera horizontally when taking video?!
Funny that a black bear climbed up, as usually they're on the down low.
"Hey, thanks for not blowing a big hole in that bear's head!"
That's a surprise. When I see a bear climb atop a massive hardwood, it's typically John Travolta he's saying "Hi" to.
Or at the very least governor. I think for Congress you also need to say something about lowering corporate tax rates and hating poor people.
according to ESPN, adding Tebow to the team would instantly make them the greatest of all time.
Jesus. It felt neck and neck, and then South Carolina unleashed the "The Iraq, everywhere like such as." You can literally see her hit her stride and just jump to another level. No contest.
I personally believe such as Miss Teen SC holds on to her crown. Such as.