
I'm not sure where this battle between Tennis Channel and Comcast, and the various rulings and appeals, really ranks with your average sports fan. It just keeps going on and on, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, over and over and over again, and all we can do as spectators is sit idly by watching the

This is gonna make a GREAT episode of Law & Order: STFU.

I prefer generic, but I hate the marketing. What really ticks me off is when you see multiple products targeted at different ailments, yet they are actually the exact same formulation. And sometimes, they are priced differently for the exact same product.

bahahaha there's something called Brufen. That's like Tussin

I think I speak for pretty much everyone when I say, "There was an ESPN 3D?"

I can't wait for Stephen A (Hole) Smith to explain his way out of this one.


Mitch Mcconnell. I'm not even sure what his political beliefs are but he looks like a Bob's Burgers character and I think his face would be a fun face to punch. I have weak fists.

I actually think this is a clever move by the Redskins. I mean, say what you will about Luntz, but at least he's got actual experience working for an organization with outdated views on race and a recent history of losing.

"100% of racists agree that everyone else is too stupid to understand why the name Redskins isn't racist."

Just came here to say your screen name is fucking awesome.

Karl Rove, Numbers 1–4.

Wow, that email of the week is one of the frat-bro-est stories ever. Heartless contempt for the homeless? Check. Pride in one's slothiness? Check. Being a giant gash? Check.

If I had any doubt during your estimation of how many song lyrics one could transcribe it ended when you wrote "St. Elmo's Fire (Man in Motion)" and my parrot brain immediately squawked out, "ALL I NEED IS A PAIR OF WHEELS!!! SQUAWK!!!"

Adam, we will look for you. We will find you. And we will kill you.

Do all of the punchable faces on the fantasy Mount Rushmore have to be men? I would personally never hit a woman but I would happily pay to watch Ann Wolfe unload an overhand right to the face of Nancy Grace.

Now playing

10: The guy must be a NASCAR driver by day. He's not used to making right hand turns.

A mistake?? A large majority of these accidents are caused from drivers that are doing either extremely stupid things or extremely dangerous things. They deserve what they get. They call it Karma.

Sorry, Eddie Griffin.

The hard top on that Cobra looks stupid as hell, does not flow at all.