Not really.
Not really.
Well, they didn't so much waive him as he turned into a giant insect.
The crack pipe. Put it down, Rob Ford.
It's the fact that he is constantly shoved down the collective throats of sports fans nationwide by ESPN and other sports media despite his distinct lack of aptitude for the position he plays. He's supposed to be a quarterback, yet he has severe flaws in every important aspect of playing that position: throwing…
[derisive snort] It's so nose-on-Jamie-Farr's-face obvious that it doesn't bear mentioning. Should I have to say that all parties must actually exist on the material plane as well? Or that they must be sentient beings or corporations, and not dumb animals? Don't be obtuse, man.
Because Trendy doesn't own/control the forum in which the speech was made. I would have thought that patently obvious to, y'know, anyone.
You're mistaken. The freedom of speech portion of the 1st amendment is applicable solely to government suppression of speech, and has no application to private entities.
Office tiles. X= Excel, W = Word, etc
Take it on back to freeperland, slappy.
Zebu's Directory Printer (circa 2003) -
Mine is dead on, though.
Well played, sir.
Interesting stat: approximately 87.251% of the people screaming about their 1st amendment right of free speech haven't the faintest clue what the fuck they are talking about.
True story.
You are about sixty-two different kinds of wrong, slappy.
No news here? Bullshit.
When you're not expecting the Spanish Inquisition, the Spanish Inquisition is no fun.
"I saw that coming before I reached the end of the story."
FYI, the amazon link for that NFC Bluetooth receiver is bad.
Respect. /ali_g
Exactly our method with #2 (who turned 11 last months). Due to the post 9/11 recession (fuck you Bin Laden!), we were both laid off before he was born, so we had to seriously cut back on expenses. And good store-bought baby food is pretty spendy.
Carrots, squash, apples, pears, chicken, ham, peas, bananas, etc. All…