Get the stick out of your ass, Bitchy McBitcherson.
Get the stick out of your ass, Bitchy McBitcherson.
Then maybe since you "weren't aware" you shouldn't have said anything. That's really good advice for us all: if you don't know about something, shut the fuck up about it.
+1,000,000, dammit!
What you did there, I see it. Yippiekiyay, mofo.
What, I shouldn't ask questions?
A) Insulted? Really? Considering that the brain isn't *literally* described as a muscle, the fact that you state that it *is* suggests that yours might need a little exercise.
My delightful son Jake was born 11 years ago today, almost to the hour, and he's been a huge source of joy in my life ever since. Of course there were times early on when I wanted to kill him, myself, my wife and basically everyone in a three block radius due to massive sleep deprivation. One day in his 3rd month, a…
Same as it ever was: billionaire liars and cheats crying poor while raking it in, trying to claw revenue from the players and from the public.
Corporations are people? That is ridiculous on its face, in the middle and underneath as well.
Same here. Since my last 2 employers have used Notes, I've been subjected to it since like 1994 or so. Sigh.
I've had some seriously great musical ideas in that state (playing guitar or just humming), but unless I record them I have great difficulty remembering them later.
My mom taught me this: I run the egg under cold water while rolling it between my hands to crack the shell, then peel it under the running water. Each egg takes 3-5 seconds to finish.
Youtube is brimming with guitar lessons, some better than others. Some of the best I have found are Justin Sandercoe, ActiveMelody, Marty Schwartz, and Next Level Guitar. Blues Guitar Unlimited and Stevie Snacks are pretty good too.
First computer was a Turbo XT clone with an 8mhz 8088 processor with 640K of ram, EGA graphics (16 colors!), two 10mb RLL hard drives and two 360K floppies.
Shut the fuck up, assbag.
On the Julian May books, i personally love them, but they don't have the cultural penetration the LoTR books did. I would love to see that series of films if well done, but they'd most likely fail financially.
Must you fuckknuckles infest even io9's comments section? Seriously, the fuck up is a thing that you should shut.
When someone with whom you're disagreeing tries to throw in some sort of bullshit tangent that has little/nothing to do with the discussion at hand. It's an attempt to baffle the other person by keeping them on the defensive. It's a very very common — and very annoying — tactic often employed by people who have…
You win the coveted Robinette Broadhead Award for Science Fiction Smartassery! ;-)