
Shouldn’t really be anything awkward about it unless you’re uncomfortable with homosexuality.

I’d show it to my gay friends who’ve played it, because they’re not uptight assholes.

Now THAT pun is offensive.

It’s adorable that you think the rich actually build companies and create jobs.

Yeah! I also hate when the company is making money hand over fist but pay people like shit and try to cur their hours!

Wait wait ppl bitched like their lives depended on it over battlefront but this game gets a pass?

Rockstar North, the developers of the game, are actually based in Scotland.

To someone who plays GTA and takes it for what it is.... the GIF above is HILARIOUS!

but also a good example of how, if you work hard and are dedicated, you can work your way from rags to orbital cannons without ever spending a real cent

I’m pretty broke and I still play almost everyday

“It doesn’t matter that most of the time no one shoots me with that thing,” wrote Reddit user BitterBubblegum. “Constantly expecting it is the thing that reduces the enjoyment.”

You know what you should do? Organize protests. In-game protests. Occupy Los Santos! Down with the 1%!

The Nerd Rage one comes very close to an actual Real Ghostbusters episode.

“transgender people don’t do this. Like, they don’t have sex with people without telling them they’re transgender.”

Smart transgender people don’t do this, no. Not so smart transgender people.. I mean they usually don’t get to the actually having sex part, but definitely approaching people for sex without telling them

and all of that is extremely subjective. many Ghost in the Shell fans(me included) really enjoyed the movie. it doesn’t need “something that could stand on its own” because nearly every single scene is a reference to something from a previous version of Ghost in the Shell. it was never intended to be a product that

and all of that is extremely subjective. many Ghost in the Shell fans(me included) really enjoyed the movie. it

She always cosplays and zero suit Samus who is also her main

Well, Rampage monsters are supposed to be mutated humans, so they already got that wrong.

Honestly, I can’t even believe this is a thing. Then again, I just saw where some college was complaining about Steve Martin’s 40 year old comedy single ‘King Tut’ being insensitive to 2000 year old dead, boy Princes. Or something. 

I hate to use this card; but ‘as a black man’, articles and arguments like this (especially written from would be white saviors) are the worst.

As a “gamer of color” I’m immensely glad they removed the “garbage” and kept the technical mastery and attention to detail. My eyes can’t roll far enough back in my skull at the (largely) white critics complaining (!!!) that they adhered to the artistic style and removed the racist overtones. I can’t thank them