
As someone from Ireland ...that sounds like an Irish accent ( and either the actress is Irish or really really good at doing the accent)

You know what? This character would actually become really interesting if she really was drunk as hell all the matches... But I guess she wouldn’t have to be irish then. Still, you don’t see drunken women in games that much.

see heres the problem with complaining about tropes. people say they hate them, but they also seem to like characters who they have some degree of familiarity with through cultural touchstones that kind of preload your interest in them. Its nice to say “be original” but When I see characters who are popular, they tend

Eh. I’m half Scottish, half Irish by descent, with a healthy maintenance of family history on both sides. I found nothing to be put out by with Moira’s trailer or announcement.

Now, they could always make her stereotypical—but thus far, I’m not seeing anything to get personally worked up about. And as a fair-skinned

What the hell is supposed to be “stereo-typically” Irish about her? The blending of shadow and light? The half-mask piece? Is there some Irish stereotype about shooting beams that I’m unaware of?

Dont worry there will be half naked anime costumes for her later *purr

You know whites arent the only people to be colonial. Historically speaking, every single civilization, every single tribe, every single one has been guilty of trying to invade new territory, use the resources and abuse if not wipe out the conquered.

The fact that you need to put this tag (A warning that some might find them a little NSFW.) in every post that’s a little risqué makes me weep for the memories of the old Kotaku and its Kotaku fish.

I wish less people wanted PAX so I could actually go to a show instead of having it sell out 20 seconds every fucking time.

I’m sorry you didn’t get the joke :(

But it was still funny. So who cares?

. The home was big, it was close to my in-game office

It didn’t come off as a joke to me. To me it just came off as being extremely hateful, because the hate on anime is getting real old and Im sure im not the only one getting real sick and tired of constantly hearing of it.

Seriously. People may say stuff like “that’s not my thing” or “I don’t get it” but it’s still going to be arousing to some extent.

We have a subset of people in this country that would deem a digitized thong offensive while this same subset voted for president a man who bragged, on tape about “grabbing her by the pussy”. And we wonder why the rest of the world laughs at us.

people that get aroused by this are a minority

Butts are neat?

People dont understand thats how it works. Kick their ass. End of problem.

Yeah, I’ve been bullied and I’ve been a bully, and I’m firmly of the opinion that teaching kids not to fight back and stand up for themselves is garbage.

That’s the only real way to stop bullying.