
BLAH BLAH BLAH, Korrasami Avatar kawaii desu!!!

Jinx is pretty flat and came out a while ago...

“they need to adhere to this new friendly tone company-wide if they don’t want people to point out they’re having it both ways.”

Or they can just put tits in their comics if they want. They aren’t beholden to any feminist moral code.

Man, if there’s one thing I wish Minecraft to implement it’d be the ability to sit in a chair. I don’t know why but it bothers me to no end that I can’t just sit at a table and eat the cake. I have to stand over the table and gobble it up with my hands like a heathen.

What the hell are you talking about? The Invisibles had plenty of great female characters.

..why is his skin colour relevant to his ability to write Wonder woman comics ? .

I think the most important thing is to actually enjoy the hobby. What you call (or not call) yourself isn’t as important.

Hell ya. Miss those marketing campaigns!

haha oh man I remember this. Not only do I remember this but, confession time, I bought Fear Effect 2 BECAUSE of these ads. Haha oh god, hey, I was like 15 at the time, no shame.

The 90s was the most awesome time to be alive. We need no further proof.

I think the more important point to note is how no one cared back then - and how there would be a mass riot of SJWs and Fake Orthodox priests now.

And the world kept spinning, no one got emotionally hurt and cried about it, the people that wanted it bought it, and the ones that didnt didnt.

While we can think that back then the sexuality of the game was blown out of proportion, were it to be marketed today it would be treated harshly by many *cough* internet cliques.

We’re all friends at the End of The Universe!

and I thought other gaming communities were weird.

I observed the proceedings disguised as a pink Chocobo from Final Fantasy. It was the perfect disguise.

Nerd Rage got it right. That’s exactly the reason why I hate spring and summer and want this planet to be a cold, desolate wasteland like Hoth.