
It weird having a hockey team in Chicago this year

Patrick Mannelly bobbleheads are on eBay

They hooked electrodes to my balls

"Thats a big bear" - Timothy Treadwell

@katolesce: but did your girlfriend fall for it?

If they go undefeated does that mean Tom Brady will host American Gladiators in 2020?

Becks is a Crip?

And as a kid I was angry when kids said "bad game"

Jose Offerman's successful attempt at making the news

How long until there is a video of Zook dancing to Soulja Boy?

Which end, pointed or handle?

@StevieY19: Luther Head had a $250,000 watch a month after being drafted. Yes, he was wearing it at Kams.

Sweet NL champs newspaper. How long did that take to get printed? Looks like a picture from the game too.

Slinging herpes?

@Chicago Jones: I have never watched the CFL, the whole 10 extra yards is confusing.