
I love the amount of radios in that car

For some reason my work doesn't think college humor is appropriate viewing material.

"Leave his man-tits alone" - Tribute video to Phil Mickelson

@Donald_Igwebuike: Jerry Reinsdorf said he was done when Kenny and Ozzie leave. Too bad that isn't for a longass time.

What you missed while contemplating 5 more years of Ozzie Guillen ..

@Sex-Panther: First time i have ever heard 'Can I be Marriotti?"

You should have seen his pre-divorce RV

Chinese fire drill?

Gotham plate looks a lot like Illinois plate.

I really hate people like that. It is a tree. Get over it.

Oh wow, there is a Boston Yankees series?

Just go ahead and crown his ass.

I got high and drunk with Deron Williams, he passed out at Kams. I didn't.

I did the the Devon sign was fucked up this morning. Didn't think anything of it until this story broke.