The movie will feature the characters Leon Kennedy, Chris Redfield, and Rebecca Chambers.
The movie will feature the characters Leon Kennedy, Chris Redfield, and Rebecca Chambers.
Funny, you can say pretty much the same thing about Special.
For a sec there I just thought you hadn’t shaved in a few days..
As an average American with a passing interest in politics, I say that it’s because our Congress is currently run by extreme conservative Republicans. They are outraged by the PP scandal. If they don’t get their way, they’ll shut it down again by not approving a budget at all for the next fiscal year.
A little Advice. If you want to show how awesome levels are it would really help if you guys would provide the actual ID of this level so people can check it out.
I'm really, really enjoying the game, but it turns out what I really want is Super Mega Man Maker.
By the way there’s a new Afro Samurai game coming out.
Ohhh I was wondering where those went haha. I may have thought I was slick for looking in the idea book but I didn’t look around much in the in-game manual lol.
Missing a couple, they’re kind of hidden.
Unlock Super Mario Maker’s extra content faster by manipulating time. YouTube’s Cutman demonstrates how easily timed unlocks succumb to simple console clock manipulation.
You could stop writing garbage articles about Destiny. That opens up about 2-3 articles a day
While I’m still a fan of the series I agree that in the end your choices remain meaningless. They might as well just scrap that idea because I think it is hindering them in making some cool/interesting stories.
DA Origins choice did matter, Loghain appeared in my game, and I refused to let him make an heroic death again, he has to suffer from his actions no easy way out,
DAI’s redcliffe WAS a separate location. it’s on another shore by the lake, probably built after the blight, or just a part of redcliffe (which then is a little more spread out than we thought) we didn’t see in DAO.
I even loved THE BOOKS... DaO kept me to the end, even DA2 kept me to the end... DAI was just SO BORING...
I have not played DA:I since January I got to the part where you have to go to the ball and just stopped, I just did not care anymore, still have my copy so maybe one day I will go back and finish it. Honestly I enjoyed all 3 but agree with you the first one was the best one.
The thing about choices is that... well, the more of them that stack up, the less impact they tend to have.
In terms of narrative and, y’know, being a fun game: I think DAII works if you include its base game along with all of the DLC. For me, after that it feels like a full story is told...even if the Mage vs Templar conflict is fucking stupid and plays out the same way every time.
Here let John Oliver explain