
Exactly, the analog buttons registered three levels of pressure. Hence the buttons matched that functionality. As far as I am aware (I worked in an arcade back then), the conversion kit always had six buttons since it had to go in existing cabinets that did not have the support necessary, Only the dedicated had it

Best to start with Episode 28, actually. That is the first episode after the 2 14 episode movie remakes. Hitt = Kickass

If you have a DS or 3DS get kirby super star ultra sometime, it has smoother graphics,3D cutscenes,and new modes!

You’re going to ruin my sick burn by revealing that I didn’t do Molten Core until we were all so high level it didn’t matter. Shhh. They can never know.

Wow a gated community within a gated community sounds like a great idea.

I want to star you for being an accurate depiction of every vanilla raid I ever attended, but I don’t want to star you because you just gave me PTSD.

yep, the story is not as good as Kingdom come, but the 3D cinematics are awesome, so ...

And then this happened!

Yes!A whole six-ish hour Story Mode per the usual Netherrealm bells and whistles

Well, to be fair we did get the secret ending’s game eventually. But yeah, even as a fan, it’s gotten be a bit much. KH1, CoM, 2, BBS, and 3DS? Sure! Re coded? Days/numbersawful name? Cell Phone games? Ehhhh...

Yes, and it was fantastic. Even as someone who’s not really a fighting game fan but loves DC, I really enjoyed Injustice. The comic tie-in by Tom Taylor is superb too.

I never got around to playing Injustice, but been tempted to pick it up because of the story, but I can’t quite figure out how the hell that fits in around all the fighting...

As a die hard fan of the seies, I don’t care much that it took so long. There were other games to play in the mean time, and they needed to fill in some points to have KHIII make sense. I don’t feel like I’ve been played or duped at all, ‘cause I’ve still had a good time with the side games. Heck, BBS and 358/2 Days

Wait, there was a story?

Final Fallacy has already been used in the title of a game. Two entries that I know of in the series, well worth a play for any turn based RPG fan. I imagine given the age of the original and the recentness of the sequel, the developer could build a strong case to defend “Final Fallacy” in context of a game title.

Where’s your codename? You have to be all secretive about this kind of thing or someone will steal it! Haha, (half)jokes aside Seven Ate Nein is clever.

Bombshell? If this was foreshadowed any harder it would be a solar eclipse.

Judging by their past bugs, I expect this will be patched in time for Dark Souls 5, unless a fan patch comes out in 2 hours that fixes this bug, doubles the frame rate and makes the controls more responsive.

So just buy them and pay them to keep doing what they are already doing.

Please. While the idea of watching someone play a video game is silly (as silly as watching adults in pads tackle each other to brain damaging effect), the word “poo” is so benign that children use it in place of other terms for fecal matter. Your shitty comment is pearl clutching of the highest order. The FCC and