On the show she actually speaks in an odd, raspy voice. Is that how she is naturally? More interesting is BD Wong, who plays her father, who speaks with an extra thick New Yawk accent which I’ve never heard him use before.
On the show she actually speaks in an odd, raspy voice. Is that how she is naturally? More interesting is BD Wong, who plays her father, who speaks with an extra thick New Yawk accent which I’ve never heard him use before.
Try reading The Horror at Red Hook for probably the most obvious racism you’ll ever see in anything fictional short of a KKK handbook.
Nah, it’s in a bunch of the stories, sadly. Read the description of the first reanimated corpse in Herbert West––Reanimator for the most explicit version.
Reread The Call of Cthulu and pay attention to his descriptions of people, you’ll notice that it’s not as separate from his writings as you think.
YES!! First paragraph of the crawl and I checked out. I was done with the movie, it didn’t respect anyone.
I half heartedly thought the opening crawl would just be JJ’s diary entry for what he would have done instead for Episode VIII. He ended up using the whole film for that.
The film over-corrected in reaction to the franchise’s worst fans and was a finale that had to retcon and undercut so many things about the saga to make itself work.
From what I understand CDPR went above and beyond what most companies would do to try to appease him and continued to offer money long after the agreement was signed and Witcher 3 exploded into mainstream popularity. Dude didn’t think the games were going to be successful, was quickly proven wrong and then spent years…
Hmph. A RedBox rental would have saved me $47 on FarCry 5.
Don’t forget to upgrade any time you buy a new game! The best part about consoles is that they WORK. You start a game, and you don’t have to futz around with settings until you find a compromise you can live with. I have a PC. It works fine. If what you said is true, it SHOULD be able to play any of the 5 year old…
Because a PC that supports gaming at the level of the Xbox One costs $1000+?
I always end up with both consoles by the end of the generation (and I’m the proud owner of a Switch as well, the first Nintendo console I’ve owned since N64!)
A console needs to have its own games to survive.
Im gonna let you in on a little secret. *Whispers* Microsoft owns the PC OS.
“where are my friends playing?” kept me on Xbox long enough for GamePass to make Xbox the clear choice for me. I have friends that I play with basically every day, whom I’ve been playing Xbox games with since literally the day they launched Xbox Live on the OG Xbox in 2002. I linger a generation behind on PlayStation…
Heh, so it comes down to personal preference and maybe the other equipment one has at home. All the stuff you mentioned doesn’t work for me on the ps. Plus, I enjoy that I can have people on several different devices play Minecraft together (we still play it a lot), Xbox, PC and Android work together like a charm in…
“Xbox One is dead three months after the release of Game Pass, the single best thing to happen to video games this decade." - no one sane
I got a Day One launch box in 2013, I got a launch One S, a launch One X and just got an S All-Digital for $150 on Black Friday for my kids.
Contrary to all reason (it’s the end of the generation, and I already own a PS4, Switch, and PC), I ordered the $150 Xbox One S w/ Jedi Fallen Order bundle from Target for Black Friday (after a $100 gift card, I feel pretty good about that). I know it doesn’t make any goddamn sense, but frankly I haven’t turned on my…
I’ve always preferred my Xbox to my Playstation(s) partially due to the infrastructure and UI, but as far as I’m concerned, Game Pass is Xbox’s current #1 killer feature. The Xbox One S is a fantastic 4K bluray player if you’re on the fence, and the One X is the most powerful console, but for gamers in general, Game…