
As some that owns both a Switch and PS4 - and platinumed Horizon - BOTW and Odyssey deserved all the praise they got. I don’t even like platformers. Both Horizon and BOTW are from the same Ubi open world game mold, and are among the best of those games, but I give the edge to Zelda for the environmental interactions

Those 2017 Nintendo games were miles beyond everything else.

Jedi Power Battles and LEGO Star Wars clearly established that Jedi could double-jump.

Very few people are shitting on it like you are, so you’re wrong. 

To be fair, I think people with limited time looking for a quick, painless fun wouldn’t want to play an 85+ hour game which mainly consists of delivering goods like an UPS guy...

Also, let’s be honest here: not every game reviewer is interested in games as art or sophisticated musings on the state of the world. Camera angles seductively portraying male bodies is an instant 1/10 in some circles.

Honestly, what was so amazing about it?  It was long and arduous to read through, which seems to mimic the game perfectly.

It’s almost like different people have different opinions!!!!

Right we should allow China to dictate which freedoms we enjoy. China literally said Morey didn’t have the right to free speech, which was a fairly anodyne statement of support of HK. Don’t dramatically hyperbolize the situation and then be sarcastic about what you created.

No, purity tests and factionalism on the left will. This isn’t a game we are playing here. Have you been watching the news lately? The president has captured the justice department, which has stopped enforcing any laws that check his power, and is finding dirt on his political opponents for him. He is threatening

1) Go to your job and say what Gillis said and see if your boss doesn’t fire you. Gillis is also bad at his job (he’s not funny).

Umm. I’m not an Eagles fan? But ok.

I am absolutely stunned that someone who brings a casket to a tailgate might also have some questionable racial beliefs.

Ehh, go to any NFL tailgate and you’ll find horrendously drunk people who’ve suddenly grown beer muscles.

Not sure what’s funnier here. This guy thinking Rams fans exist? Rams fans that exist would care enough to show up to their games? Or that Rams fans that care enough to show up to their games would be bothered to the point of accosting another fan?

foles enters chat

And like that, the laughs of a million Steelers fans were suddenly silenced.

To be...I dunno, fair-ish? to the Skins...they haven’t really overpaid any insane malcontents.

The book was crazy but good in a way. Once you realize that King admitted to having a huge coke habit, the mystic turtle and the unnecessary and weird gang bang make druggists sense. But the first movie sucked too. Didn’t get the hype and it was far from scary.

Not gonna lie, thought that was a woman til I read the article.