Agreed. People throw the word woke around like a bandaid for things they don’t like or agree with. Add that to the fact that the actual meanign of “woke” isn’t how they bastardize and use it? And yeah, total no-fly zone for me.
Agreed. People throw the word woke around like a bandaid for things they don’t like or agree with. Add that to the fact that the actual meanign of “woke” isn’t how they bastardize and use it? And yeah, total no-fly zone for me.
People are arguing about this bc they are nerds and don’t have better shit to do, aren’t situated where they can own all the consoles where they can play the games they want, trying to cope online. Or a combination of all of the above.
Yeach I had to stop taking anything that person wrote seriously when they said that Games Pass was all about short. Low quality games. There's a ton of quality games on Games Pass that aren't of the MTX variety.
I just don’t play or waste the seconds out of my life commenting on shit I don’t like. I know we live in a ge where everyone wants to spew their opinions and emotions on the the internet as a way to validate something within them. I guess. Couldn't be me. I enjoy hoping in Destiny 2, and playing in the sandbox. But…
Im tired of open world games. I'm sure this is a solid one though. But I can't do it with Elden Ring about to drop. That's my metric quota for open world games right now.
None of those emerging things at the time caught "scam" traction. And the value proposition of everything you listed was pretty apparent. Which is why they took off so quickly. NUTS? Not so much
Clout chasing is an epidemic.
Only brand whores care. I'm fortunate to be able to own all the systems. Even tho I only have a Series X and Switch. I'd like a psycho but I'm waiting foe a redesign. And the only game I want to play on there is FF 15
There is always going to be an Xbox as long as there is a PS
You need consoles to play systems. Microsoft gives you the choice of PC or Xbox. Exclusivity isn't a new concept in the industry and all this crying about what MS is doing is off the mark.
It clearly says that in the article and even ends with a quote from Xbox exec that says that’s what they expect. So you just typed this out to read what you wrote, or throw bait to argue with randoms online, or didn't read passed the headline. Glad I could help give you the attention you seem to be seeking.
So you know for a fact everything that you are saying is true? That Dave Chappelle is only making trans jokes. Because he did it years ago and it wasn’t well received. So he not only is doing it out of spite, but he is also getting token Trans friends?
It was really dope. Shame the know it alls and fan boys killed it.
Hollow Knight would like a word.
You’ve been avoiding all spoilers. But hopped in the public comment section to read comments/converse?
People are missing the point and going for the easy take. The large reason why the boots were disabled was because you could get an infinite amount of dodges, if you got the timing rhythm down right due to glitching out the timer.
He can have a job again. Just not the one he had. People making claims a out statute of limitations or what have you. But nobody except for the people affected and in the situation get to determine that. So this is all a part of his "growth". It's great that he started to do things on his own. But that doesn't negate…
Twitter was all I needed. I was able to get a Series S right before Xmas last year. And then a Series X this year in Feb. And sold off the Series S and made my money back. I didn’t gaugr anyone and made about a 20 dollar profit.
Your average ordinary every day person wouldnt recognize Dumille on the street and it wasn’t like he was some a-list Hollywood persona, whose every move was followed by the paparazzi. Not really hard to believe at all.
The game in its current state on consoles is a 7/10 at best. More like a 5.5/6 as of right now. IMO. Look I was hyped as everyone else for this. The Witcher 3 when it released was amazing from the jump for me. And they supported that and addressed the issues. I am hoping they do so with this game as well. As getting…