Titanfall 2, easily.
Titanfall 2, easily.
Fucking shit I hope so. Titanfall 2 had an incredible campaign AND multiplayer experience that handily eclipsed and CoD or Destiny content without even breaking a sweat. I mean, YOU CAN PILOT GIANT FUCKING ROBOTS! HOW in the fuck does that not make every fps player say “oh ya, fuck this game, i’m playing t2"
Arctic is burning. Amazon is being cut down at an incredible rate. Hurricanes are dropping more water as the climate changes. Unplanned Medical services can financial cripple a large chunk of Americans. Wages haven’t gone up in years. And I got an headache.
I grew up with parents who worked in an urban neighborhood, where they were told to GTFO of the community, who then came home to a white neighborhood where they were reminded that they were only there because the other residents had made the choice to accept them.
Then, my Asian brother, why do so many of your peeps treat black people in the US like shit? Asking for a bunch of friends ....
Youre not wrong and its probably why we see more shitty asian women doing this than shitty asian men doing this but regardless of how close they can get or are, they will still be the odd ones out. Ive been that only asian dude whos expected to roll with whatever whitey is doing, its a shitty feeling. I hope asian…
Racism doesn't live in one's "heart." It's a cognitive bias that reveals itself in words and actions. Racist is as racist does.
This is Murica.
I mean, do I REALLY need to pay rent this month?
Ladies and Gentleman this is going to be an ugly campaign. We knew this but thanks to white men and the 53% club this is where we are. For all you purists who swore that Hillary & Trump were the same thing you can fuck off forever and two days. This means eat shit Susan Sarandon. Go pound sand Marc Lamont Hill. Oh…
I’m beyond shaming. It’s too light at this point. They deserve to be outright obliterated. To have their jobs taken away. Have their money and property gone in an instant. To have their public personas ruined. For their sense of safety to be annihilated. I want them under such a horrific amount of light at all times…
Respectfully, I think you’re way off base and perhaps a troll... Dump does not do everything haphazardly. Read Anne’s post again... read any post from learned journalists. Dump has a timing approach to many of these racist posts and tweets that serve his interest, not just change the subject. He’s a a racist for sure…
Because I view the Orange Itch as a child, I focus more on the people who raise him and keep his fake values intact: his base and party.
some of it just happens to be racist
Nope. Most of the time, his approach and comments are calculated and meant to drive a message. He is not quite the idiot we make him out to be.
For the main landscape fights, you can squeak by using a chocobo companion. The chocobo ranks up with its own xp, and you can put them in tank, heals, or dps mode on the fly, depending on what job you happen to be on.
You’ll have to party up for dungeons/trials, but other than that you can solo to your hearts content. Thankfully, partying up is easy thanks to the duty finder, which allows you to register for a dungeon/trial and then go do whatever you want until it can match you up with suitable party members. And at level 30, you…
I’m actually a bit annoyed at how often it forces me out of a party, actually. I’m always grouped up with my husband for questing, and there are a surprising number of story quests that it won’t let us run unless we leave our groups and do it alone.
I want to echo Steamedcarpet but also point out that the mandatory party content is easy to team up for since you can join a queue and you’re automatically put into a properly balanced party. You’ll run into some jerks, but for the most part people are very supportive, and the dungeon runs are fun. As Heather said,…