And Octopath Traveler, Mario Tennis, and some new sushi game thing. But sure, I guess it’s better to ignore things to make your post sound punchier (ONLY Smash, and all these ports lolol).
And Octopath Traveler, Mario Tennis, and some new sushi game thing. But sure, I guess it’s better to ignore things to make your post sound punchier (ONLY Smash, and all these ports lolol).
You do realize that the ‘OMG THEY’RE JUST PORTS” pubescent whineyness is irrelevant when they’re being made for mobile right? In most cases, we couldn’t play these games mobile before. This is a good thing. Games we all loved, made portable. A growing library for anyone new to the game. Easy income for developers.…
Not to be a grumpy gus, but is nobody else bothered that this doctor is posting some girl’s medical information on fucking Twitter? Is that even legal? That would piss me right off, and I’m a 40-year-old man who doesn’t really give a shit. If I were 17, I think I would be really upset by this.
Fun Fact: I didn’t realize the no backups/cloud saves thing until Kirk submitted his entry for this post. Then I was in a cold sweat for an hour.
Oh God, Curt Schilling is logging into the Internet right now.
I’m sure Bostonians will receive this news with calm and understanding.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of “I don’t like something as much as everyone else, their enjoyment of it must not be authentic.” Don’t do it.
A game doesn’t have to redefine how the genre works in order to be good. And lolwot24653 was comparing them in terms of critical acclaim at the time of release, not lasting impact. Obviously, we don’t know if BOTW will have the kind of impact OoT had, because it’s less than a year old and games these days take at…
Totally disagree. If it were a new IP, people would talk about how it takes all of the elements of open world games and perfects them - it makes the whole world one cohesive toy to play with. If anything, people tend to discount it based on the Zelda name because the Zelda name already set the bar pretty high. Link to…
It’s one of the best games ever made. Zelda’s name is famous because of games like Breath of the Wild, not the other way around. The last Zelda game to get this crazy level of acclaim was Ocarina of Time, because Ocarina of Time was the last game close to Breath of the Wild. It makes sense.
I get that not everyone is going to like the same game, but there’s something to be said about BotW sweeping every single prominent goty award (I could obviously be missing someone, but which goty award did BotW not win in 2017?). You’re basically saying that nobody in the industry is objective enough to see through…
This is a stupid take and you should feel stupid for saying it.
I honestly don’t know if you are being disingenuous or if you are an just an ignorant asshole. I also don’t know if the distinction really matters.
Love to brag about being a racist
Don’t play dumb. It’s not a good look.
Just buy a switch like literally everyone else has
I respectfully disagree. It all still sounds great to me.
I like "Perfect." "Ava Adore" just fucking sucks, though. That song is awful.
Also the last great album they / he ever made.
Adore is a great fucking album.