Well, that happened. Here's a version without Bob Costas, using just the crowd audio track:
Well, that happened. Here's a version without Bob Costas, using just the crowd audio track:
Right. Look, buddy, you can't definitively state what everyone else in the world is using mind-altering substances for with specificity. The applications and effects of mind-altering substances are as varied as the individuals who use them. And to lump all mind-altering substances into one convenient category of…
That is a subjective point of view. What you're saying is wrong.
The last part is ridiculous - there are morally questionable and/or evil people everywhere in all walks of life, to stop engaging in them is silly. You can find those people probably in your church's hierarchy, your place of work, the movie industry, the tv industry, police, fire dept, doctors, nurses, etc. I don't…
"Oh, THAT tape? We thought it was from the Pats, so we burned it."
Also, there are blacks that dislike going to NBA games where they play rap music and have the, you know, "black" kiss cam. And whites who love it.
Yeah man, as with most DLC and preorder bonuses, it's not like you'll have trouble playing the game. The top-tier gear is probably better than this giveaway trash anyway.
Griffin has been absolute shit this preseason. This is a team that has Pierre Garcon, DeSean Jackson, a good running back, and what looks to be a decent TE. And I really don't get this nonsense with "learning the pocket". Go and watch him against the Eagles in Week 16 when he came back from his first injury. I watched…
Public servant. Public information. It would be no different if he had simply identified himself, as all officers are mandated to do upon civil request. He is accountable for his actions.
I always find this perception of Xbox as truly idiotic. Xbox Live Arcade gave the world some of the best games of the generation, YEARS before Sony kicked their indie drive into gear. Surely the success of Live Arcade is probably one of the reasons Sony worked so hard to get indies.
Because people think that everything needs to be tailored to them and make them feel special. Keza says she played every day for 8 years but always felt alienated. Well if she played every day for 8 years then it must not have bothered her cuz she kept playing. You don't do something that upsets you every day for 8…
I never got the "dudebro" thing...If XBOX = dudebro, then Playstation = weebos? Why generalize? Why can't fucking gamers be gamers without worry about a fucking image. WHHHY
"Wawa Italian Hoagie in my pants" is Kinja speak for Angelo Cataldi.
Doesn't matter, we're still going to aim for Mark Sanchez
I've lived in the Illadelph my entire life and the only Columbia I know is the nerd school in NY, f'ing NY losers.. also Paoli is the most white-bread Main-Line Drag in the State possibly.
It's okay. Basically you earn "credits" by completing games and through challenges. These credits are used to buy either 6-packs of Burn Cards (for 10000 credits) or special Titan decals (for 25000 credits). And now when you get rid of Burn Cards you don't want, you sell them for 100 credits.
I'd say I'm an…
I played for two hours tonight in full 6v6 games on Xbox One. I guess not all of us can consider The Last of Us Again a "hot exclusive."
They're most likely not going to add a new Titan for this game and frankly, they don't need to. They have it pretty balanced as it is.