
I have not fought blazing bull yet. I’m at the gate. With dude in the horse but I definitely am able to remove dragon rot.

Same. I dont mind the non pause to use items tho. But I hate pressing up for items it's fucking me up. I need to remap

100% this game is definitely harder than SoulsBourne. I mean in those games a group of enemies can fuck you up bc you get animation stun locked and ran through. In this game 1 or 2 guys can do it to you bc of that or if you mis-times a parry.

Is not that bad. But I am a souls games ver. A lot of the thing with those games is strafing in a circle. Blocking and counter attacking. Once you know an enemies move set it is easier. Same with Bloodborbe except dodging takes place of blocking but it is all straffing. Its like that jn the Witcher too.

I can not wait for this game. I took a long weekend to thr mountains, but will be grabbing this as soon as I get back to civilozation.

Dan Switch is getting busy!

That game was criminally under-rated

This game is great. I made it pretty much to the end then stopped playing it. Worth it for the art style and sound track alone.

Wair this game is buggy too? But we don’t get at least 5 articles a day on it like another buggybgame in release? How Sway?!?!?

Exactly I cant believe (actually i can bc people are jerks). And the 100s of people that like that comment and behavior is shameful.

Knock this entitled spoiled brat shit off. Negative blow back is one thing. But the way some of you gamers act towards these people is gross and disgusting. And like others have said, do you do this with minimum wage workers? Teachers and others that have far more shittier jobs and make less?

You sound like a real dickhead. Paying $60 bucks for a game doesnt give you the right to to act like a jerk or entitled prick, or disrespect someone. I don’t give af how “broken” the AAA game is.

Im still enjoying it. I was playing this and Re2 remake hard af. And then DMC5 dropped. That's getting all my attention now. I will probably pop back into Anthem this weekend.

I enjoyed the 1st KH immensely. Second one was ok. This one? I dont know if it was the wait or the fact that I’m older. But I just could not take the syrupy, yippie yay! Find yourself-trust your friends! Dialogue and themes and stopped playing it and returned it to Gamefly after the 2nd mission. And Mickeys voice

Mmeanwhile on Xbox, game hasn’t crashed or rebricked my system.


I’m saying asking a group that includes black children as well as handing the black children cotton and following that up with “Imagine what it’s like to be a slave?” Which seemingly and was able to be misconstrued as being directed towards the BLACK children. Or maybe was directed towards the black children? Shows a

Yep confusing em.

I don’t care if she handed it to every student and asked the question in a general sense. Which honestly it sounds like she did - in asking the question.

The issue with me is the lack of awareness and the insensitivity of it.

I mean there’s a lot of fill-in the blanks here. She handed the cotton to the students closer

He knew the play was not going to end any other way? Morris is a low % 3point shooter so that’s barely a toss up to make the pass to him for the shot verses driving to the lane for a higher % fg.