
The size of these things always amazes me. That’s 50 feet longer and twice the displacement of a Nimitz-class carrier. 

Some more detail on the challenges: https://www.maritime-executive.com/article/mv-werften-liquidator-still-seeks-buyer-for-global-dream

Surely a buyer will be found. But at a deep discount, yeah? Or could it be converted into a floating apartment building or homeless shelter? 

It is nice. Sometimes I want to read a car blog about a cool new car without having to worry about whether each of the 150,000 parts is ethically sourced, or how much money the CEO makes, or whether the name offends someone. It’s ok to not make everything about politics.

People who own yachts did not achieve success honestly.


That sentence you quoted didn’t strike me as sour or jealous at all. It is you who is reading way too much into this.

Also, this yacht has insurance.

damn, i never knew that, what a waste. i would love to be able to catch some open ocean, just enjoy the days to get somewhere.

This was excellent and reinforced my fear of the ocean. 

I LoL because an LS is bigger and heavier than an entire P50

That is obvious to me.

If only there were a modern interpretation of a micro car that is in production.  Darn you Elio Motors!

“These are terrific, yes, I’d absolutely get one, why not, it wouldn’t take up space, lovely, how much could it possi- SIXTEEN THOUSAND?!” GTFO.

The windshield is regular sized but the car is enormous!

None of this changes the fact that Aston Martin Lagonda is a borderline penny stock business with shocking financials, constantly teetering on the brink of complete and utter failure as a company, and only held up via their brand image and goodwill they have with the small percentage of the population that either

This is what happens when there’s little or no competition (right now we are in a smartphone duopoly). Apple is the Bell Telephone company of smartphones: sucking up profits while failing to innovate. When Bell was broken up we were given the internet. Imagine what could happen if Apple, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft

It’s not about green versus blue any more than politics are about red versus blue. It’s about being able to send/receive high quality videos, images, receipts, etc... and other features that impact things like group texting.

RCS is an open standard - one that was invented by carriers back in 2008 (when we paid for SMS per message). Carriers have never had any incentive to expand the standard, and other than a few technical fixes, they haven’t. All the “modern” features in RCS were created by Google who has kept them in their own

I’m sure you know by now that states are offering teaching jobs to people who have neither the education and training nor the licenses for teaching kids. Florida wants to put military veterans into those classrooms. I am beyond livid (and everything else) as a former educator. I want every teacher in this country to no