
And with that, one million UPS, FedEx, DHL, and USPS drivers all breathed a sigh of relief.

and then right as they finish the last download, a MCE happens, taking out most of the western hemisphere in a massive emp event, rendering all the petabytes of data worthless.

A man walks from his bedroom, down the hall, through a doorway, and pulls out a book from a shelf “Farming for dummies”.

His domain name selection reads like a confession.

Hard for greedy dullards to imagine an almost empty lake overflowing! Even harder for conservative rich people to give a damn about people living below the dam.

Hey dude, we wouldn’t want to recharge an aquifer or somethin’...

Wash away those liberals in California that did not vote for me.

Human—>Resources. It’s not a name, it’s a mission statement that’s lacking punctuation.

That beige Volvo is my old car!

I live less than 10 miles from this. Not a good idea to wander around in the woods on private property in these parts. Seems like more people carry than not.

What are the stats on Evangelical Christians? How many of them think the wife should obey the husband? How many would be ok with the U.S. being a christian theocracy? How many think it is ok if someone else kills an abortion doctor? There may be a difference of degree, but not as much as you might think. The only

Way. This was back in like 2006 or so, but it was a .kml file that would then overlay the names where tracks currently were (or once existed). If I remember you could select from a list as well and zoom to a given location. I remember that it showed a forest where Funabashi was (it was a favorite of mine in Grand Prix

That’s because he’s only God’s literally infallible earthly servant when he supports your views.

O rly? Whose fucking side are you on, anyway, because it doesn’t seem to be that of humanity. Fuck Islam. While all organised religion is cancer, Islam is lymphoma, and needs to be eradicated, by radiation therapy if necessary.

I think they feel desperation and a lack of options, who are being treated like criminals everywhere they turn. Without jobs, without money, and without a place to call home, after fleeing from mass murder, bombs from their own government, and poison gas.

They sound desperate and scared for their lives, but not like terrorists. All I can think is how lucky I am to have been born here, and how I’m much more likely to be harmed or killed by someone like me.

Thank you most kindly (Yotsuba&Tochan) for your well thought out and intelligent response. I read it several times, and enjoyed each reading. Best regards, always.

Whoever built that has their priorities straight!

There used to be a Google Earth key file that listed hundreds of auto racing tracks, current and disused/demolished

Oiy. OK! The original allure of Lamborghini doors was due to the fact that they were attached to a fucking Lamborghini! FFS!