
I just picked up a $3 4-port USB hub and plugged that into a wall adapter. The thing can’t draw more than 500mA, which means each output port gets 125mA. So it charges all my devices abysmally slow....

I just picked up a $3 4-port USB hub and plugged that into a wall adapter. The thing can’t draw more than 500mA,

I know nothing about tanks but those track wheels seem awfully unprotected...

Amazon typically has lots of 1TB drives for under $60. Nothing surprising about that $57 deal.

Amazon typically has lots of 1TB drives for under $60. Nothing surprising about that $57 deal.

Win+Tab is alive and well living on 7 as well. Hella useful for actually seeing the windows you're switching between.

Fuck LG, Google, the Nexus 4 and kittens.

Fuck LG, Google, the Nexus 4 and kittens.

I almost listened to you for a second there.

I almost listened to you for a second there.

Occasional negative reviews do not a crappy product make.

Occasional negative reviews do not a crappy product make.

This is just what my sweaty ass needs for high school commutes. The showers in the locker rooms are disgusting.

This is just what my sweaty ass needs for high school commutes. The showers in the locker rooms are disgusting.

CCDs, the image sensors that are the retinas of all the digital cameras we use today

One does not simply make Hellium.

The Death Star-esque explosion>>

Haha "been there"

Wasn't it you very own Gizmodo that published a raging battle cry against people using coffee shops as their personal workspace? The phrase that they used to describe these people was, I quote, "DICKHEADS." Looks like Gawker's departments have different opinions, but still...

I've lost faith in Canon and Nikon a long time ago. In-body image stabilization FTW.

Wouldn't it pick up frequencies of cellphones, point-and-shoots, store surveillance, etc? I think it should've been tuned to pick up bugs and nothing else.

LOL okay but I was just joking :-)

*Teenager spends rest of evening looking for cheap used DSLR.

Eh, no shirt is better.


How fast is its processor, how much RAM does it have...come on, guys. I bet the internal gears are made of plain old metal and not carbon nanotubes.