
I live in argentina and inflation sucks. Sucks sucks sucks. And that is like a really deep point I am making, I know! LOL :P Sorry if you didn't follow, but inflation might be good, but Argentina's inflation fucking sucks sucks sucks. :D

This kind of awesome nerdyness should be rewarded. At least on this site. Give this man a golden statue please. :D

I say to myself that there are only two types or riders: The ones that have fallen, and those who are going to fall. If you want to go fast, be safe; if you want to go hard, go to the track. :D

Dale would be very proud! :D Awesome trucker attitude taking time to be a smartass about the whole situation. LOL

Not kidding, the part where Saturn started to accelerate when getting closer to Earth, gave me something like vertigo or an upset stomach, at least for a second. Crazy! Awesome!!!

How many fell and how many died? (rhetorical) That's my point. Yes, you can still die, but that is not the norm, and protection will save your life more times than it will let you die. You almost died at 120, and I am sure that what kept you on this side of the grass was your protective gear.

What I am trying to say

He is at least wearing a padded leader jacket. Don't think is a full body suit but it is good protection. Really, if you have everything that is available for security you have to hit an unmovable object to die. Skidding is not much of a problem. Riding gear has become really good at saving lives. Making smarter more

This just made me laugh so hard!!! Best comment in a long time.

Clearly you tested all to decide who gets to be 2 - 6th place, and stick the GoPro on top regardless. The battery life is bad, the case is bad, the form factor is worse than others and all the great accessories "for the go pro" can be used by all other cameras. Most (not saying "ALL") shooting options, available only

It's a perfect and beautiful Doberman with the "right" flappy ears. :D

Just thinking at loud, but those ripples/waves in the fabric of space and time, do they mean the space/time is somewhat "compressed" in some places like those waves? If 30m was a distance in space, and a ripple was affecting the middle 10m, would I travel the same distance in less time because 10m of the 30m are

I feel sorry that you ask an honest question (which I ask myself too) and there are always douchebags who just want to seem smarter by belittling what you ask. Also, it's nice to see that at least some take the conversation seriously, and give a concerned answer. I wish only the latter would take the time. :D

Now playing

Macross has "transformations". Transformers are just bullshit; like: "From this car you can totally get this robot... believe us"! Yeah, right. All transformers movies suck really bad. So happy I didn't pay to go see the others after the first one! :D

THAT WOULD BE AWESOMEEEE!!! (predictable but AWESOME!!! :D) Also they should bring the idea of outer space enemies now. Now this Mazinger dude shows up and we have to fight with him against the evil that follows him to Earth!!! YEAAAH!!! (I'm 12 again)

I can't wait for the second movieeee!!! I love this movie. It is just so simplistically good!!! "I'll hit you with a tanker"!!! AWESOME!!! And the action is so much better and understandable than the stupid transformers movies, where you can barely make out what parts they are hitting each other with!!! And the robots

A firearm by itself doesn't make you safer. So many die in accidents related to firearms. That aside I do believe in responsible, educated and trained gun ownership. With this in mind I believe there should be some sort of gun record. Not to "control" or to "regulate" gun owners in a repressive way, but to weed out

When he does "2S2" or "S2 + S2" he decides to move the second S "a little" to the right. Why? Or why doesn't he do the same when he is doing S - S2?

Greenpeace. Spending money on flags, animation, spray paint, adds, bilboards, etc. plus the logistics to make all those things happen. All that money going to "spread the word". Now, money for investment on engineering projects and alternative energy? Naaaahhh! We are supposed to live with things that work on warm

Yes. Not true that NASA spent any money in R&D. True is that both NASA and the USSR began using pencils in space until Fisher Co. developed the pen on it's own. Latter NASA bought the pens from Fisher. I was just using the story as an example of overdevelopment and practicality. Very sorry.

Urban legend? Yes. Is it true that the fist solution was pencils? Yes also. Both russia and the US fist used pencils and then NASA bought the "Astronaut Pen" from Fisher. I was just using the "fable" as an example of over development against simple practicality. Chill, and stop calling people stupid on the internet.