
I am reasoning that what you imply is less than right or accurate. You assume because something is copied is beneath the original. That is simply not true, at least not always. You are the one saying people "stole plans" and then question, rhetorically, about their R&D capability. You just make assumptions and that is

The story of the million dollar "zero gravity pen" and the russian pencil. Clearly R&D gets trumped by proficiency and practicality. This plane might look a lot like another plane, but it doesn't mean it's a copy; and even if it is, it doesn't mean that because it's a copy it is inferior. Right?

I am not a pilot but I am with you. What happens here is that most people commenting are like what Jesus said. When you are sitting doing nothing anyone doing anything seems amazing. You fly, and you see this and you know how it works, but somehow you are the person getting bashed for not being impressed. I only took

If this was CSI, dam'right!!! "Zoom in and enhance!!!" LOL

GUNDAM and Eva. That's all I could think of.

Now playing

"Actual" is kinda wrongly used here I think...

OK. First; dude you need to relax! You are not in high school anymore and you are never going to be tested on this since you are not going to take any math classes for the rest of your life. Take a chill pill and just let it slide.

Second, I hope this "exercise" allows you to realize how worked up you get when posting

Every one is noticing that "8 -2 +1 = 5" is a never before seen result; but I would also add that "1 - 1 - 1 - 1 = x" is not ambiguos at all, and that I would never come to the result of 0 w/o the parentheses.

I totally miss the point of the video. It says "something that you learned in school is wrong"; fist I never

Really?! Being polite and respecting law enforcement is giving up rights?! WHAT!? LOL. Yeah, totally. Keep fighting and never "roll over" Che Guevara! XD

He was going to get a citation for smoking on a boardwalk. He got arrested for being a brat. Who is the idiot who can't even get a video straight? Also "law" and "justice" don't go together. The law provides a fair and equal procedure. That is it. It does not guarantee in ANY way justice. You can get a citation for

Sorry. I just read this all at once and it came out too much like "yeah, beating the kid is all right!". And no. It's not ok when police officers beat on people who aren't a real treat. At least not too much. So yeah. I just think the guy with the phone was just being a brat. If he would have been spank a little more

I am with the POPO's on this one. This Pringle dude was just trowing a tantrum. This is how he was raised. He wasn't happy with the situation so he had to do "something"; anything! to make the point of "I'll still do whatever I want" or "you're not the boss of me". Typical 5 year old. I don't understand why when kids

Poor Pete. He probably never got accepted on facebook. LOL

Really good. Love these stories. And I am so happy this old dude is going to get so much money from all the hipsters that just have found out about it!!! Everybody WINS!!! XD

I was going to ask on the original post if anyone had ever used one. I have and they are not bad. Now that I read his reply I find it pretty similar to my thoughts about what is good about this tool. Depending on the situation different tools work better than others. Even a simple piece of stick carbon falls behind

OK. So my phone is a google now. Got it. My google is awesome! :D

Oh well. Totally missed that. LOL.

First: chill. Really. Joke. "Women don't know what they want... blah blah... the men is always wrong" Get it? No matter how women change their standards, men will always be wrong. It's funny cause it's true. Like the video says "women choose", therefore whatever success or failure, it comes from women's decisions,

So in my experience, if I take advantage of all the situations that are presented to me, by women who want to get fucked by guys they like, just like you: I'm a pig, a man whore who objectify women, etc.

Women who take offense to the word "female", not "quite often" but ALWAYS, are trolls. LOL