In an world so full of strife and bitterly contested opinions about Superheroes and their movies, can we all agree at least on one thing: the John Williams Superman theme is the best superhero music theme, like, ever?
In an world so full of strife and bitterly contested opinions about Superheroes and their movies, can we all agree at least on one thing: the John Williams Superman theme is the best superhero music theme, like, ever?
I can’t be the only one who thinks this guy has a supremely punchable face, right?
Blandsome Ansel
Anyone else hate it when YouTube videos have “cover” images that aren’t actually in the video?
Mumbling is a long standing, venerable BBC tradition, if those moody murder mysteries are anything to go by.
A billion dollars
I think the fact that everyone in the movie approached it seriously really sells what they’re doing. This movie is essentially a D&D campaign but with only three party members. Think about it. They raid two dungeons and a temple. The main character gets his fighting abilities from his time as a gladiator and his…
The guy who made Red Dawn is the model for Walter Sobchak? THIS EXPLAINS EVERYTHING.
Pixels is more like a classical drama than a mere “movie.”
Um, it was broke. I love the look of my Chucks, but they’re by far my least comfortable pair of shoes. I’ll gladly pay an extra $15 for better cushioning.
.. but insignificant next to the power of the Force.
You’re either balling or you aren’t. This kid is not balling.
It’s less than three weeks. :)
Fantasy AGE will be out at Gen Con!
I had a connecting flight from STL to NY once that changed the way I think about life forever. Yes, life. At the time it was what I considered a really bumpy ride; like those big dips like you take on a roller coaster and my ass was lifting up out of the seat. I was scared, so were others. Then it hit me. What’s the…
After a while I started collecting the various worldbuilding books from Shadowrun and World of Darkness because they were cool.
No, Satan is Adrian Monk/Sean Spencer/Rick Castle/Temperence Brennan/Patrick Jane.
We have moved on tot he legal fund now.
Artists don't have problems, they have issues.