Did this post get linked somewhere, like some Jaden Smith Scientology fan site? It just seems interesting that at least two people show up with no understanding of Jez and Dirt Bag and the tendency to take things too seriously with no sense of humor?
True Fact: It Makes Words More Important When You Capitalize Them.
I'm fairly certain you can have sex after wearing ANY type of dress.
Fuck you, DC comics.
Hey! We play this game all the time in my house. In our game, Burt gets on the floor and thinks she's a lion who needs Vodka to fight a magic wizard. If she crawls over to you and screams at you to go get her some Vodka, and you can do it without crying about what she said about your mom, you win! We call it 'Burt…
Guys, I hereby nominate "Why don't you just to go Massachusetts and go to school?" to be the new go-to response for bullshit for GTers. I'd like that to be our new header for tomorrow as well. Kthankx.
I first knew I was gay (without knowing what that was) when I first saw this when I was four.
I knew I wasn't worthy of this man when I stopped reading at the word airplane in quotes.
Doesn't FAQ mean FREQUENTLY asked? I doubt any of these qualify!
Huh. I was wondering why there seemed to be a shortage of quotation marks lately.
I hate lists like this, because it's just a constant stream of negativity that's going to get lapped up by impressionable young women who want a boyfriend. Who the hell did they poll, the local frat houses and Christian Bale in American Psycho? I mean, what the hell, if you like my hair when I dye it, feel free to…