Lol. Don't you get it people! Its a GTA GAME. No sublte interaction with the PO-LEECE can go unpunished or un noticed.
Lol. Don't you get it people! Its a GTA GAME. No sublte interaction with the PO-LEECE can go unpunished or un noticed.
SO MUCH PUSSY! Come on guys, free pussy on this island. LOL
I agree. Its like the GTA IV swing glitch. We spent hours in online multiplayer, launching our vehicles every which way and height. It was awesome.
I plays such games with my 360 controller for pc.
The real surprise, isn't the lower fat or calories, its that theres possibly potato inside?
If valve joins the pony trot you call a console war, then half-life 3 had better be the fucking launch title, or one of them. next to portal 3, team fortress 3..ect...
It shouldn't be called "Snacktaku". It should be called "Watch a guy eat shitty food, get diabetes, and then have a corinary".
Fuck you china.
Space jam is so wrong..yet...
Couple robs black man. Well... thats usually the reverse of what normally happens.
*cries like a little girl..
Here's an idea.. DON'T FUCKING INSTALL THE GAME! Play it off the fucking disk like nature intended lol.