Fuck off trolls

But... Diablo 3 was one of the worst games ever, it was bad.... playable, but bad... its like saying... "Were releasing an expansion to ET for the Atari"

Which? Scary evil mewtwo, or gay mewtwo

and I'll end the game with the finishing KO moves.

How is the X1 gaining momentum exactly? Its bringing in new versions of old games.... Its previously drm, but now not.. doesn't make them any less evil. And with kinnect, its a voyeur.

My pokemon would win

In 2020, racism will be prevalent, so instead of combining cultures, the world is set up into sectors, each with ten story tall walls of cement, one sector for african americans, and so on. The experiment works, as no races, creeds, colors, or religions clash and racism is destryoed forever. There are hundreds of


This guy is a fucking genius. He's not hatefull, he's using following tweets to complete the previous. You literally have to read between the lines.

Yes, thank you Seth Mcfarlane's writing team.


"Holy shit, i love dicks! Hmm, he's from the uk, and i bet he's a smoker, i'll message him and tell him that i bet he loves fags"

Hmmm...Running from evil beings without souls programmed since creation to do horrible things? Sounds like the republican national convention all over again.

When is texas not pissed off about something?

OMG, i remember when this commercial went on tv!

Note to self - Have fiance do this during our next "ahem"

Now playing

60 million americans don't use the internet, maybe because they don't fucking know how.. Many MANY americans, can't find their own country on a map. A MAP!

No, this is a huge, ugly machine

I say.... bring king of the hill back in 2014. Have this as the opening sequence for every episode. IT WOULD WORK!