Frosted Mini-Wheats

Let all people learn from this. Don't go against the current, don't make waves. Don't express opinions contrary to the current popular opinion. Twitter is NOT a place express complete thoughts, contrary thoughts, or important thoughts. When on Twitter, be sheeple.

I dunno, I just can't imagine Square Enix showing impressive trailers for games and then have absolutely nothing playable even years later. It's probably just an oversight in the schedule, they'll be there.

I have finished both. And I hated both characters through the entire thing. Luke goes from self absorbed asshole to a grovelling wuss with no confidence. It's change, but he basically turns into Emil. I mean, how MANY times can a guy go into existential "Oh no I'm a clone is my life legitimate" crisis? Get over

Hey, two people got back to me about Luke so I wrote a big thing about why I think he's pants. I don't wanna copy/paste and clog the thread though so if interested jump over to my reply to the other dude. It mostly addresses what you're talking about.

I definitely don't disagree that Luke changed... I just feel like he went from one flavor of insufferable to another. In the beginning he's selfish and views the world through the lens of himself and his desires. Then after bad stuff happens he turns into Emil. Apologizing for everything, losing confidence, and

What do I think of this year's Tales poll? I think that character poll is WHACK is what I think. What is Luke from Tales of Abyss doing at number two? What is freaking Emil doing anywhere on the list at all? Both these characters are horrid! They are whiny self absorbed children who seemingly haven't a drop of

Replies to comments I dropped two years ago are my favorite kind of replies.

Nah, it's just that the list was made by Jason and he's all about the 16 bit JRPGs. Not slighting him, that's just what he's most into. When he made a list of best JRPGs 16 bit was over represented, when he made this list 16 bit was over represented, and his favorite modern JRPGs are the ones that most closely

I predict not much JRPG at E3 this year. There will be FF XV, Kingdom Hearts III, and MAYBE the Nintendo Direct will have a localization announcement for Dragon Quest VIII. Not much else.

Here's why the other Dragon Quest games on the Nintendo DS shouldn't be on the Summer of Old JRPGs menu:

I vote that Dragon Quest IX be replaced with Dragon Quest IV. Not only is DQ IV actually an "old" JRPG whereas I don't think DQ IX really counts (I mean, 2010?) but DQ IV is more ambitious structurally than even modern JRPGs.

Well Jason's counting Dragon Quest IX as an "old" JRPG, so if he can get away with that you're pretty much covered.

Hey, when is your Drakengard 3 review dropping? I will make an extra special Kotaku visit to read it. I'm suuuper curious about that one. On one hand, Square Enix has been making a lot of bad games that are all flash no substance these past few years. On the OTHER hand, NiER was the crazy counter culture RPG that

I'm pretty sure nobody else wants their most damning 10 minutes of private conversation broadcast across the internet either. Donald Sterling is a bad dude, but he should have the same right to privacy as anyone else. He is ABSOLUTELY a victim of our modern sensationalist media. He didn't go out in public to

Except for Nintendo - a lot of their modern games (Animal Crossing, Rhythm Heaven, Tomodachi Collection, Pokemon) have a pretty reasonable gender split.

Nope. Right now the only Monster Hunter projects that are announced are Monster Hunter 4G (3DS) and more content for Monster Hunter Frontier (the online game).

Sony really never did make a decision to part ways with the Monster Hunter brand. Nintendo was just way more aggressive about locking it down. Sony would be delighted to get Monster Hunter on the Vita.

Edit: Accidental double post. Damn Kinja

Sony really never did make a decision to part ways with the Monster Hunter brand. Nintendo was just way more aggressive about locking it down. Sony would be delighted to get Monster Hunter on the Vita.

I dunno, that's still a step forward isn't it? In Civ V you choose "Do I want to focus on science, culture, or military". In Civ Space you choose "Do I want to focus on science" and THEN you choose "What kind of science do I want to focus on".